MAB (Man and Biosphere Program) Young Scientists Awards aims young researchers pursuing interdisciplinary research in line with UNESCO’s MAB Program. Precedence is given to projects carried out in biosphere reserves.

Man and Biosphere Program cultivates the basis within the natural and social sciences for the sensible and viable use and conservation of the resources of the biosphere and for the enhancement of the overall association between people and their environment.

The aims of the Young Scientists Award Scheme are to:

  • inspire young scientists, in particular those from developing countries, to use MAB research, project sites and biosphere reserves in their research;
  • boost young scientists who already use such sites to carry out proportional studies in other sites in or outside their own country;
  • Assist interchange of information and experience among a new generation of scientists.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • applications must be made on the prescribed award application form (in English or French) and be validated by the applicant’s MAB National Committee, which may recommend only two applications per year from applicants
  • Age: not more than 40 years
  • Importance will be given to interdisciplinary projects carried out in biosphere reserves labeled under the Man and the Biosphere Program or potential biosphere reserves.
  • Applicants from developed countries are eligible for Awards only in exceptional cases.
  • Research supported by an Award should be accomplished within two years.
  • Candidates must give consent to submit reports of Award funded research to the MAB Secretariat in Paris and to their MAB National Committees, and come to an agreement to the possibility of UNESCO broadcasting the results of their research.

 Note: International travel expenditures are generally not covered under these Awards.

—————Quick Overview————-
OrganizationUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
Fellowship LevelResearcher
Subject areasBiosphere reserves
Fellowship amountUS$5,000
EligibilityOpen internationally
Deadline15 December 2017


MAB Secretariat

Division of Ecological and Earth Sciences


7, Place de Fontenoy

75352 Paris SP 07, France



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