Mathilde Planck Lectureship Program (MPL): Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg

About the program

This program offers Mathilde Planck lectureship opportunity to professional women to qualify by a teacher in Baden-Wuerttemberg for a professorship. The teaching can be exercised at a University of Applied Sciences, an art and music school or the Baden-Württemberg (DHBW).

The application should be addressed to the university. The country hopes that the measure to increase the proportion of female professors.

Number of Scholarships: between 100 and 150 per semester scholarships, i.e. teaching assignments awarded.

The monthly promotion is at a teaching of a maximum of four hours per week about 550 EUR, plus travel expenses. The funding by the State is effected by the allocation of funds for teaching positions, while the respective university contributes the necessary travel expenses.

Audience: working women with a degree from a university who wish to gain teaching experience at a university of applied sciences, art and music school or DHBW in order to qualify for a professorship

Academic Requirements: Graduate degree

Runtime: lectureships under the program are time-limited to a maximum of six semesters.

Scholarship Value: It is a teaching allowance that can per semester exceed 2,380 EUR, a year means a maximum of 4,760 EUR.

Papers: Application forms and further information on the application process is available on the website.


  • Application deadlines for universities of applied sciences and art and music academies: Applications for the summer semester should not later than March 1, be submitted for the winter semester by 15 September of each year
  • Deadlines the Baden-Württemberg: Applications should be submitted in time for the teaching positions
—————Quick Overview————-
OrganizationMinistry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg
Fellowship LevelFaculty
Subject areasApplied Sciences, Music, Arts
Fellowship amount4,760 EUR/year
EligibilityOpen to international applicants
DeadlineMarch 1st & September 15th

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