Max Planck Institute for Astronomy: PhD Position 1525 views

Max Planck Institute for Astronomy

The Galaxies and Cosmology department of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (MPIA) in Heidelberg, Germany, calls for applications for a PhD position in the field of extragalactic astronomy. The project is to be carried out under the guidance of Dr. Knud Jahnke.


  • Applicant must have M.Sc degree (or equivalent) in the relevant subject.

Duration and benefits: 4 years; Medical, social security and pension benefits are paid in accordance with the provisions of the civil service.


  • Applications should be sent by email to
  • Cover letter with preferred starting date
  • CV with list of publications
  • Grade transcripts from undergraduate and Master’s courses
  • Summary of the Master’s thesis
  • Brief statement of research interests and experience (1 page)
  • Two letters of recommendation
—————Quick Overview————-
Organization Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
Fellowship Level Doctoral
Country Germany
Subject areas Astronomy and Astrophysics
Fellowship amount Varies
Eligibility Open for all international researchers
Deadline 12 September 2016

Dr. Knud Jahnke (Ref. 16-06)

Max Planck Institute for Astronomy

Königstuhl 17

69117 Heidelberg



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