The Cornell University is offering two postdoctoral teaching-research fellowships for 2019-2021, each will be sponsored by Society for the Humanities.

Award: Each fellowship offers a stipend of $53,000/year.

Duration: Two years starting from August 2022

Place: Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

Areas of Specialization: Linguistics and Science & Technology Studies

Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in Linguistics

  • The Department of Linguistics seeks applications from scholars who take a linguistic approach to problems of broad humanistic significance.
  • Applicants might have expertise in any number of subfields including Semantics, Pragmatics, Historical Linguistics, Computational Linguistics, or Sociolinguistics.
  • Applicant must be able to communicate and learn from both linguists and scholars in other fields, including Philosophy, Literature (critical theory, poetics, metrics, gender studies), History (post-colonial studies, prehistoric archaeology, human population genetics) and Anthropology (language documentation, endangerment, and revitalization, globalization studies).

Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in Science & Technology Studies

  • Cornell’s Department of Science & Technology Studies seeks research projects relating to the topic of public health.
  • Areas of focus could include health disparities, politics and health, migrant or refugee health, epidemiological surveillance (including data and computational techniques), and climate change and health.
  • Disciplinary and methodological areas are open, but they must be consistent with qualitative historical, sociological, anthropological, political, and feminist methods of science and technology studies.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Candidates, for the Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship for academic years 2019/20-2020/21, must have obtained the PhD degree after September 2013 but not later than June 30, 2019.
  • Mellon Fellowships are no longer restricted to citizens of the US and Canada; international applicants are welcome to apply.
  • Candidates who do not have PhD in hand at the time of application must include a letter from the committee chair or department affirming that the PhD degree will be conferred before the term of fellowship starts.

How to apply

With the submission of application via online portal following must be included:

  1. Cover letter with:
    (a) Full name and home institution
    (b) Date (or expected date) of PhD
    (c) Referees’ names and emails
    (d) Research interest(s)
  2. CV
  3. Detailed statement of research interests
  4. One writing sample [30-page Maximum]
  5. Course proposals for the courses the awardee will teach while in residence at Cornell.
  6. Three letters of recommendation.  Please request referees to upload their letters directly via the link provided by Academic Jobs Online. Letters must be received on or before November 15, 2021.
  7. Statement of teaching philosophy
Quick Overview-——–
OrganizationCornell University
Subject areasAsian Studies and History
Award value$53,000/year
DeadlineNovember 15, 2021

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