MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology: Postdoctoral Scientist; Neurobiology 1072 views

The MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology (LMB) is one of the foremost lab of modern molecular biology and has played an important role in the development of many new techniques, most remarkably X-ray crystallography of proteins, DNA sequencing and monoclonal antibodies. The position is under the supervision of Dr William Schafer. The position is Fixed Term.

Location: Cambridge

Allowance: £28,007 – £30,791

Duration: 3 Years

Eligibility required:

  • Applicant must PhD in a biological subject or expected to complete PhD studies within 6 months of applying (in a biological subject).
  • Applicant must have experience with electrophysiological recording from C. elegans neurons; fluorescence microscopy of nematodes.
  • Applicant must possess some familiarity in carry out experimental programme.
  • Applicant must demonstrated capability to develop new experimental approaches
  • Applicant must have evident abilities in working independently to solve experimental problems.
  • Applicants are expected to have excellent verbal and written communication skills; experience in presenting scientific work (written and orally)
  • Applicant must have strong publication record demonstrating research productivity.

How to apply

—————Quick Overview————-
OrganizationMRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Fellowship LevelPostdoctoral
Subject areasLife Sciences, Biology
Fellowship amount£28,007 – £30,791
EligibilityOpen for all nationalities
Deadline23 October 2016

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