National Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences: Doctoral Scholarships 1230 views

National Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIHSS) in association with the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) to develop the African Pathways Programme through PhD scholarships. Applications are invited from suitably qualified non-South African students to study full time towards a PhD degree in the humanities and social sciences at South African public universities.

Study areas:

  1. Pre and post-colonial states, institutions and local experiences.
  2. Histories and legacies of liberation struggles.
  3. Regional integration, new development and economic alternatives.
  4. International political economy and the role of African humanities.
  5. Heritage, identity and culture (including literature, performance, art and musicology).


  1. Applicant must be non-South African national (based in any African country) from designated groups (with a preference to women).
  2. Age limit: max. 45 years old at the time of the application.
  3. Applicant must completed Master’s degree, or entered the Ist year of PhD study following an upgrade from a Master’s registration, or registered for PhD study in Ist year of enrolment.

Scholarship value: R132 000 per annum

Duration: tenable for 3 (three) years.

Application Procedure:

  • Apply Online
  • Letter of confirmation
  • Motivation letter (max. 500 words)
  • Latest intellectual autobiography: a narrative of the major influences in your intellectual life (max. 500 words).
  • Research proposal
  • academic transcript/s (certified copy)
  • copy of passport (certified copy)
  • Sample copies of best writing, (e.g. chapter from your Master’s study or any published academic work).
  • 2 letters of recommendation


Ms June-Rose Ngcobo

—————Quick Overview————-

National Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIHSS)

Fellowship Level Doctoral
Country South Africa
Subject areas Humanities, Social Sciences
Fellowship amount R132 000 per annum
Eligibility Open for non South Africa natioals
Deadline 30 September 2016

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