NIT Arunachal Pradesh (NITAP), Faculty positions 1649 views

NIT Arunachal Pradesh: National Institute of Technology Arunachal Pradesh (NITAP) was established by Ministry of Human Resources Development, Gov. of India)

Walk in Interview will be conducted for the Recruitment of Professor & Associate Professor in the areas of CSE / ECE / EE to be held at the Institute of Radio Physics & Electronics, University of Calcutta, 92-Acharya Prafulla Chandra Road, Kolkata-7i 3009.

Designation: A. Professor / Associate Professor

No. of Posts: 02 (Two)

Disciplines: Computer Science & Engineering. (Based on suitable & Electronics & Communication Engineering             availability & selection) and Electrical Engineering)

Date of Interview: 07th August 2016 (Sunday) at 10:00 AM.

Application Procedure:  

  1. Applicants should come with a DD for Rs 1000/- (Rupees one thousand) drawn in favour of “National Institute of Technology”, Arunachal Pradesh, payable at SBI, Nirjuli (code-9535).
  2. For SC/ST candidates a DD of Rs 600/- (Rupees six hundred) may be submitted at the time of walk in interview.
  3. A full set of CV and Xerox copies of self attested certificates shall have to be submitted alongwith
    original certificates for verification.
  4. Eligible candidates as per recruitment rules will be allowed to appear in the interview and be entitled to TA
  5. No TA/DA is admissible on foreign route and non-eligible candidates.

Notes: Candidates coming for walk in interview MUST report by 09:30 AM on 07/08/2016.

WITHOUT Ph.D (or even if thesis is submitted) will not be allowed allowed to appear for the interview.

——Quick Overview———
OrganizationNational Institute of Technology Arunachal Pradesh (NIT AP)
Subject areasEngineering disciplines
SalaryAs per rules
EligibilityPhD degree
DeadlineWalk-in-interview on 7.8.2016

For eligibility criteria, candidates are requested to go through the Institute website

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