NIT Patna: Project Positions in Chemistry 1572 views

National Institute of Technology Patna: It is an Institute under Ministry of HRD, Gov. of India, BIHAR.

Advertisement for Project Staff/JRF position in chemistry.

Applications are invited from eligible Indian Nationals only for Project Staff  Positions and JRF in a DST sponsored research project entitled as “The Synthesis of Metal Peptide Complex Array as Biomaterials for Drug Delivery, Cancer Therapy & Anti-Amyloid Agents”

Junior Research Fellow (JRF)

Pay scale: Rs. 25000/- per month + 20% HRA.

Educational requirements : M. Sc in Chemistry with at least 55% marks from a recognized institute/university and valid GATE score / NET-JRF/LS.

Desirable qualifications: Preference will be given to NET/GATE qualified candidate.

Age limit: 28 Years (Age relaxation for SC/ST/OBC/ PH/ Female will be given as per DST norms.)

Last date to apply for this job: 01/09/2017

General instructions :

  1. The position is temporary and renewable each year subject to satisfactory performance for a maximum of 03 years and also availability of project fund.
  2. If selected initially the position will be offered for 01 year.
  3. Candidate selected for this position can also apply for the regular PhD program provided the candidate satisfies the eligibility criterion for PhD program in NIT Patna.
  4. No T. A. and D. A. or any other allowances will be paid for attending the interview.
  5. All original testimonials should be produced during interview for verification.

For details refer website: Click here.

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