Post Doc position: Solid State Electrochemistry 1650 views

The Department of Energy Conversion and Storage at DTU is inviting applications for the Post Doc position in solid state electrochemistry – Solid oxide cell development

Research areas:

  • Synthesis and development of new electrode materials
  • Optimizing infiltration procedures
  • Microstructure characterization using SEM/TEM, EDX, XRD etc.
  • Cell manufacturing
  • Electrochemical characterization using e.g. i-V curves and impedance spectroscopy
  • Post mortem analysis of electrodes and cells.


  • Applicant must hold PhD in Engineering, Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry or relevant areas
  • Applicant must have some hands-on experience with electrochemistry, solid state chemistry, material synthesis and infiltration
  • Applicant must demonstrate ability to work independently, to plan and carry out complicated tasks, and to be a part of a large, dynamical group
  • Applicant must possess good communication skills in English (both written and spoken)

Job location: Risø Campus in Roskilde, Denmark

Duration: fixed duration of 2 years

Starting date: around March 1st 2017

Application procedure:

  • Apply online
  • Applications to be submitted as one pdf file containing the following materials:
  • Application (cover letter)
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Grade transcript (MSc/PhD)
  • List of publications
—————Quick Overview————-
Organization Technical University of Denmark
Fellowship Level postdoctoral
Country Denmark
Subject areas Engineering, Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry
Fellowship amount Varies
Eligibility Open to all nationalities
Deadline 1 February 2017

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