Post-doctoral position: Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry 1613 views

The Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry is one of the foremost research institutes within the fields of biochemistry, cell- and structural biology, and biomedicine. Insitute offer a post-doctoral position in the laboratory of Hannes Mutschler as a part of a collaborative 1.3 million Euro grant titled “De novo evolution of protocells with functional genomes”.

Salary: The salary level will be according to TVöD (Bund) (public salary scale).

Duration: The position is fixed term for two years with possible extension.


  • Applicants must be ambitious, highly motivated and creative with expertise in RNA biochemistry, molecular biology and biophysics.
  • Applicants having experience in ribozyme catalysis as well as deep sequencing and bioinformatics will be preferred.
  • Applicant is expected to be proactive in integrating into our interdisciplinary project with our collaborative partners.


  • In order to apply please send the following documents:
  • CV
  • 3 contacts of researchers who can be approached for reference letters
  • Motivation letter outlining prior experience and future plans (1 page).
  • Quote reference number 19.16 in your application
  • Send application to the email
—————Quick Overview————-
OrganizationMax Planck Institute of Biochemistry
Fellowship LevelPostdoctoral
Subject areas

Biochemistry, Developmental and Evolutionary Biology & Genetics, Immunobiology and Infection Biology & Medicine, Structural and Cell Biology, Physiology, Chemistry

Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities
DeadlineJanuary 31st 2017

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