Postdoc position in BGU – Quantum Atom Optics 1334 views


Quantum atom optics is concerned with the statistical properties and correlations of matter-wave fields. A first step in this area is the measurement of reduced number fluctuations in a Bose–Einstein condensate partitioned into a series of optical potential wells

About the position:

  1. Postdoctoral positions are available in Amichay Vardi’s Quantum Atom Optics theory group in the Chemistry department of Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel.
  2. Research interests include quantum thermalization and pre-thermalization with ultracold atoms, quantum chaos in Bose-Hubbard systems, many-body coherent control, particle and energy transport in lattice Bose-Einstein condensates, and matter-wave solitons and vortices.

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Candidates must have obtained their PhD degree within five years of the date of employment (i.e. no earlier than October 2015).
  2. The position is offered for a trial period of one year, with annual extensions contingent on mutual agreement.
  3. Ideal candidates should have previous experience in theoretical condensed matter, AMO physics, quantum optics, or nonlinear dynamics, with preference to cold atom theorists, and possess strong analytical and numerical skills.

How to apply:

Applications online should include:

  1. CV,
  2. Complete list of publications,
  3. Contact details of at least two references.

Further Info:

Quick Overview:
OrganizationBen-Gurion University
Type of positionPostdoctoral
Subject areasApplied Physics, Atomic Physics , Quantum Physics
DeadlineOctober 01,2020

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