Postdoc position in Plantgenetics (EU funded CAPITALISE project) 1009 views

The Wageningen University & Research is looking for a skilled and enthusiastic post-doctoral scientific researcher to work on a project within the EU funded CAPITALISE project.

About the project and position:
  • CAPITALISE is a multinational multidisciplinary program that will run until the end of November 2024.
  • It aims to phenotype and genetically maps natural occurring variation for key photosynthetic traits in tomato, barley and maize, to understand better the physiology of these traits, and to develop new high throughput phenotyping methods for photosynthetic traits.
  • The postdoctoral candidate will be phenotyping photosynthetic traits in genetic mapping populations of tomato and analyzing this variation to localize relevant quantitative trait loci, and identify, if possible, the genes underlying this variation. The phenotyping methods will be based on established high throughput chlorophyll fluorescence and other imaging methods.
  • The postdoc will work with Dr Jeremy Harbinson (laboratory of Biophysics) and Professor Mark Aarts (Laboratory of Genetics). To be appointed to a post-doctoral grade the candidate must have a PhD.


  • Applicant must hold PhD in Genetics, especially with proven expertise in QTL analysis/GWAS and high-throughput phenotyping techniques, and with relevant experience in plant physiology (especially photosynthesis).
  • Applicant must demonstrate strong interest in experimental research and must be a collaborative worker with good communication skills.
  • Applicant must be able to travel for short-term visits to collaborating labs.
  • Applicant must show an interest in translating scientific discoveries into practical solutions; and an excellent command of the English language.

How to apply:

Apply online

—————–Quick Overview————-
OrganizationWageningen University & Research
Fellowship LevelPostdoctoral
Subject areasGenetics, Plant Physiology
Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities
Deadline17 August 2020

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