The International “Severo Ochoa” Postdoc research Program of Center for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG) is seeking for 5 postdoc positions.

Under this Call, applications are accepted for the mentioned CRAG Research Groups:

  1. Bacterial Pathogens and Plant Cell Death – Marc Valls (
  2. Brassinosteroid Signaling in Plant Development – Ana Caño-Delgado (
  3. Floral Induction and Development – Soraya Pelaz (
  4. Genetics and Genomics of Vegetable Crops – Jordi Garcia-Mas (
  5. Light Regulation In Plant Development – Jaume Martínez-García (
  6. Molecular Mechanisms of Circadian Clock Function – Paloma Mas (
  7. Molecular Regulation of Chloroplast Metabolism – Manuel Rodríguez-Concepción (
  8. Plant Immune Responses to Pathogen Infection – Blanca San Segundo (
  9. Plant Viruses – Juan José Lopez-Moya (
  10. Regulatory Mechanisms in Dark/Light Growth and Development – Elena Monte (
  11. Rosaceae Genetics and Genomics – María José Aranzana (
  12. Structure and Evolution of Plant Genomes – Josep Casacuberta (

Duration: The positions are offered for 2-years with the possibility of renewal for a third year.

Fellowship: 29,638 € gross per year.

Contracts also include social security coverage.

Application Requirements / Eligibility:

  1. Applicants must hold a PhD degree
  2. Applicants must possess a high-quality research trajectory and a good publication track record. 

How to apply

  1. Applicants should complete and submit the on-line application through CRAGjobs.
  2. Required documents:
  3. Curriculum vitae,
    1. AMotivation Letter, including a summary of work experience and a statement of research interests and career goals (2 pages maximum).
    2. Research Proposal(maximum of 3 pages, including references and indicating the Research Group in which it would be developed). Candidates are required to discuss the proposal with their prospective Group Leader at CRAG, in advance, before submitting the application.
    3. Copy ofPhD certificate or official notification of the award.
    4. Copy ofpassport (international applicants only).
    5. Two reference letters (at least) from scientists with whom the applicant has studied or worked, including their PhD supervisor. Letters should be sent directly to (should be sent by the referees),

Note: Applicants must submit information in English (CV, Motivation Letter, and Research Proposal).

Applicants must upload all the required documents as PDF files of less than 10MB.

——Quick Overview———
OrganizationCenter for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG)
Subject areasLife sciences
Fellowship29,638 € gross per year
Deadline August 21, 2016


Further Information: Click here

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