Postdoctoral Fellowship Available in Solid-state supramolecular chemistry design, synthesis and characterisation of novel porous materials at Stellenbosch University South Africa.
Required Qualifications:
- You must have PhD in relevant area (must have graduated within the last five years).
- The successful applicant will have experience in one or more of the following areas: X-ray crystallography, organic synthesis, molecular modelling.
- Commencement of duties: As soon as possible.
- Two years Financial support: A bursary valued at R215,000 per annum is available
How to apply:
Send a your application by email, accompanied by
- a comprehensive curriculum vitae, including a list of publications and the names and contact details of at least two referees, to: Prof Len Barbour, Department of Chemistry and Polymer Science, University of Stellenbosch (
- a short statement (maximum one A4 page)
- Applicants should request their referees to forward confidential reports by the closing date directly to the same address (email preferred).
Important: Postdoctoral fellows are expected to introduce new research directions (i.e. the study of structure-property relationships of porous materials) that fall within the overall research interests of the group.
Please note:
- They receive a fellowship in order to conduct research, and do not receive a salary or remuneration for contract research or teaching.
- Postdoctoral fellows do not hold posts or positions and neither do they enter into an employment contract with the University.
- Their bursaries are paid out via the bursary system and not Human Resources.
- They are not part of the teaching staff of the University, neither are they contract researchers. They are not postgraduate students.
Closing date: December 15, 2018