Postdoctoral in Supramolcular Chemistry Research 1477 views

Postdoctoral Fellowship Available in Solid-state supramolecular chemistry design, synthesis and characterisation of novel porous materials at Stellenbosch University South Africa.

Required Qualifications:

  1. You must have PhD in relevant area (must have graduated within the last five years).
  2. The successful applicant will have experience in one or more of the following areas: X-ray crystallography, organic synthesis, molecular modelling.
  3. Commencement of duties: As soon as possible.
  4. Two years Financial support: A bursary valued at R215,000 per annum is available

How to apply:

Send a your application by email, accompanied by

  • a comprehensive curriculum vitae, including a list of publications and the names and contact details of at least two referees, to: Prof Len Barbour, Department of Chemistry and Polymer Science, University of Stellenbosch (
  • a short statement (maximum one A4 page)
  • Applicants should request their referees to forward confidential reports by the closing date directly to the same address (email preferred).

Important: Postdoctoral fellows are expected to introduce new research directions (i.e. the study of structure-property relationships of porous materials) that fall within the overall research interests of the group.

Please note:

  1. They receive a fellowship in order to conduct research, and do not receive a salary or remuneration for contract research or teaching.
  2. Postdoctoral fellows do not hold posts or positions and neither do they enter into an employment contract with the University.
  3. Their bursaries are paid out via the bursary system and not Human Resources.
  4. They are not part of the teaching staff of the University, neither are they contract researchers. They are not postgraduate students.

Closing date: December 15, 2018

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