Postdoctoral position: Environmental Geophysics and Hydrogeology 1367 views

University at Buffalo is inviting applications for a Postdoctoral Research Associate position in environmental geophysics and hydrogeology. The position is in the Department of Geology. The position is available immediately with a term of two year and may be extended for an additional year based on satisfactory progress and additional funding considerations.

About the project:
  • The successful candidate will work on a project to advance stochastic analysis of field-scale solute transport parameters in highly heterogeneous aquifers from geophysical and hydrogeological measurements.
  • The project includes developing and testing novel stochastic estimation strategies that: 1) incorporates prior physics-based constraints of the solute transport process (i.e., accounts for multiple scales of plume dispersion and complexity) to improve velocity, plume-dispersion, and mass estimations; and 2) performs stochastic estimation in the reduced-hydrologic-process parameter space to improve computational efficiency and enable field-scale characterization of small-scale transport processes in highly heterogeneous aquifers.


  • Applicant must hold PhD degree in Geophysics/Hydrogeophysics, Applied Mathematics, or related field.
  • Relevant experience includes hydrogeophysical forward and inverse modeling, stochastic analysis, reduced-order-modeling, etc.
  • Familiarity with designing and conducting laboratory solute transport experiments and strong programming (MATLAB or Python) background are highly desirable.


Apply online with the following documents:

  • Cover Letter
  • Resume
  • Research Statement
—————–Quick Overview————-
OrganizationUniversity at Buffalo
Fellowship LevelPostdoctoral
Subject areasGeophysics, Hydrogeophysics, Applied Mathematics
Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities
DeadlineOpen until filled

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