Postdoctoral Position: Material Science; IIT Indore 1609 views

Applications are open for motivated and qualified candidates for a postdoc position in the research project entitled Exploring the role of crystal-structure in governing the magnetic and dielectric properties of some multi-ferroic oxides. The project is focused at studying the role of crystal structure change and magnetic ordering on the dielectric properties of some perovskite oxides that are predicted as potential multi-ferroic materials. Material preparation would involve both, solid state reaction method and thin film deposition using pulsed laser deposition method. Changes in local structure of the materials will be studied using EXAFS.


  • Applicant must hold Doctorate in Condensed Matter Physics or Materials Science.
  • Applicants who have defended their Doctorate thesis, and have a valid proof to that effect, may apply.
  • Applicants with very strong experimental background in thin-film preparation and thorough understanding of crystal structure and related measurement techniques like powder XRD, EXAFS and/or Raman Spectroscopy will be given preference.


Postdoctoral Fellow will be paid consolidated salary based on the following salary structure:

  • Research Associate-I: Rs. 36,000/month
  • Research Associate-II: Rs. 38,000/ month
  • Research Associate-III: Rs. 40,000/ month

Service conditions:

  • DA: Postdoctoral Fellow will not be entitled to DA.
  • HRA: Postdoctoral Fellow may be provided accommodation based on availability and those residing in accommodation provided by the institute will not be eligible for drawing HRA. Wherever provision of hostel accommodation is not possible, HRA may be allowed to Postdoctoral Fellow as per Government norms applicable in the city/location where they are working. The fellowship amount may be taken as basic for calculating the HRA.
  • Medical Benefits
  • Travel entitlement for Postdoc Fellow for participation in scientific events/workshops in India (as per institute norms).

Tenure: 01 (one) year.


  • Interested candidates are requested to submit a detailed Resume to Dr. Preeti Bhobe, via e-mail:

Note: Only shortlisted candidates will be notified by email for an interview.

No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the interview.

—————Quick Overview————-
OrganizationIndian Institute of Technology Indore
Fellowship LevelPostdoctoral
Subject areasPhysics, Material Science
Fellowship amountMentioned above
EligibilityOpen for Indian nationals
Deadline30th August 2016

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