Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Thiruvananthapuram is inviting applications for the post of Postdoc, RA and Project Assistant.

Position Type 1: Post: Post-doc fellow and Junior research fellow/Project assistant

Project: Role of Periostin-Integrin-αv in adult and fetal hematopoiesis

Funding agency: Wellcome trust-DBT India Alliance

Minimum Educational qualification:

  1. Post-doctoral Fellow
    The candidate should have PhD in any field of biology or an MD.
  2. Junior research fellow
    The candidate should have a min. of 60% marks (or equivalent grade) in the Masters degree in any area of Biology with NET qualification, OR
  3. Graduate Degree in a Professional Course in Biology with NET qualification, OR Post Graduate Degree in Professional Course in Biology.
  4. In case a suitable candidate with the above qualifications is not found, candidates with a Masters’ degree in Biological Sciences may be appointed as Project Assistant if selected

Desirables / Preference

  1. All candidates should be highly motivated to do basic research in biology.
  2. Postdoc fellow: Ideal candidates should have proven track record for academic research &technical proficiency in mice handling, cell culture, imaging and flowcytometry.
  3. Junior research fellow/Project assistant: Academically excellent candidate with technical proficiency in basic biological tachniques.
  4. Preferrably a minimum of 6 months of work experince in conducting research in the field of biological research

Fellowship amount

  1. Post-doctoral fellow: Rs. 36,000 + HRA
    Junior research fellow: Rs. 25,000 + HRA
    3. Project assistant: Rs. 16,000 + HRA

Last date: 5th March, 2017

 How to apply

  1. Completed applications should be sent by email to Dr. Satish Khurana (, with the subject line “India alliance stem cells JRF/Post-doctoral fellow position-Your Name”.
  2. The interested applicants should attach a detailed resume with sufficient information of past research work, a one page statement of interest in biological research.
  3. Please include contact details (phone number, email and postal address), a photograph, scanned copies of educational/professional qualifications and reprints of papers. Research experience should be supported by a certificate from the previous employer/s. Candidates should bring originals of all applicable certificates (qualifying degrees, national examinations, category certificate, etc) during the interview. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing for the interview.

Position Type 2: Applications invited for Project Fellow

Type: Project Fellow

Name of Project: Ramanujan Fellowship

Funding agency: DST, GoI

Educational qualifications:

  1. MSc in Physics with 60% Marks + minimum three years Research Experience in Plasmonics, Nanophotonics.

Desirable / Preference

  1. Research experience in the area of nanoscale plasmonics (experimental). Finite element modelling experience of plasmonic/photonic systems.
  2. Research publications in related area. Qualified in any National level Examination.

Fellowship amount: INR 30,000

Last date: 26 February 2017

How to apply

Please send the following via e-mail as a SINGLE PDF file to with the subject “Project Fellow Application 2017”
1. Completed applications in the format provided with this advertisement. Application Format
2. Brief write up of their research experience (not more than 1 page).

For Further Details: Click


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