Purdue University opens a Postdoctoral Researcher 1691 views

The Center for Science of Information (CSoI) at Purdue University opens a Postdoctoral Researcher, position, starting immediately. The selected applicant will work with Purdue Profs. W. Szpankowski and A. Grama on problems in models and methods in data sciences, the analysis of algorithms and information theory.

Additionally, the applicants are expected to participate in relevant Center-related activities including education and research activities.  The appointment will be for a period of twelve months, renewable by mutual agreement for another year, shorter periods may also be considered.

The mission of CSoI is to advance science and technology through a new quantitative understanding of the representation, communication, and processing of information in biological, physical, social, and engineered systems.

Required Qualifications:

Applicants should have a Doctoral degree, a strong publication record and excellent oral and written communication skills.

How to Apply:

Interested applicants should submit a current CV and a one-page research statement.


The position will remain open until filled.

The CSoI is committed to diversity and equality of opportunity, applications from women, minorities, and persons with disabilities are especially encouraged. For further questions regarding the submission of your application, please contact Kelly Andronicos, Director of Diversity, Center for Science of Information (kandroni@purdue.edu)

Type of positionPostdoctoral Researcher
SubjectsComputer Science,
How to applyhttps://www.soihub.org/postdoc-app-2016-purdue.php
ContactKelly Andronicos, Director of Diversity, Center for Science of Information (kandroni@purdue.edu)
Closing dateUntil filled

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