The Quantum Science and Technologies at the European campus (QUSTEC) is an EU-funded PhD programme on quantum science and technologies. These are fully-funded PhD positions in France, Germany or Switzerland.

About the QUSTEC:
  • QUSTEC is a doctoral training programme set up by the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) Eucor – The European Campus. The programme offers 39 early stage researcher (ESR) positions and outstanding training opportunities within the field of Quantum Science and Technology, in a highly international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral setting.
  • Each ESR position will last 48 months and culminate in the award of a doctoral degree.
  • The doctoral research will be carried out at one of the following institutions: University of Basel, Switzerland; University of Freiburg, Germany; Karlsruhe; Institute of Technology, Germany; University of Strasbourg, France; IBM Research – Zurich, Switzerland

How to Apply:

Apply online (in one single PDF document) and application must include:

  • a motivation letter
  • a CV (download the template)
  • ethics self-assessment (download the template)
Available PhD projects:


  1. Electrically switchable magnetic media for tunable control of quantum states at IPCMS
  2. Semi-classical modelling of open quantum technology platforms at IPCMS
  3. Coherent ultrafast spectroscopy and control of individual Qbits in van der Waals materials at IPCMS
  4. Hybrid 2D heterostructures for spin and quantum information processing at IPCMS
  5. Nuclear quantum Effects and magneto-electric patterns of nanostructured hybrid materials: Insights and design via first-principles Molecular dynamics at IPCMS
  6. Femtosecond magnetization dynamics by Spin Transfer Torque at IPCMS
  7. Atomic-scale spin sensing using a quantum molecular system at the tip apex of a scanning tunneling microscope at IPCMS
  8. Hilbert Space Engineering of Nuclear Spin Qudits at IPCMS
  9. Entanglement Generation and Quantum Sensing via Dissipative State Engineering at IPCMS
  10. Long-range interactions in quantum many-body systems: correlations, excitation and information transfer, interaction engineering at University Strasbourg


  1. Elastic tuning of electronic state of quantum materials at KIT
  2. Experimental studies of molecular qubits and implementation of optical read-out schemes based on single- and entangled photon sources at KIT
  3. Molecular quantum spintronics combining synthesized magnetic molecules with electrode materials at KIT
  4. Developing new techniques to control and manipulate the magnetiza / MSCAtion dynamics in small magnetic devices with microwave magnetic fields at KIT
  5. Synthesis of molecular spin qudits with increased Hilbert spaces at KIT
  6. Wave packet interference experiments for the investigation of ultrafast dynamics and decoherence effects on the attosecond time scale at University Freiburg
  7. Photonic engineering of energy transfer processes at University Freiburg
  8. Quantum thermodynamics and nonequilibrium master equations at University Freiburg
  9. Theory and simulation of nonequilibrium dynamics in many-body quantum systems at University Freiburg
  10. Experimental Quantum Simulations based on Trapped Ions at University Freiburg
  11. Tailoring properties of the superconducting phase in nanostructured thin films prepared by co-deposition of size selected cluster ions at KIT
  12. Superconducting quantum materials by controlled assembly using co-deposition of size selected cluster ions and a normal conducting matrix at KIT
  13. Creation and manipulation of spin-polarized 2D electron system at the interface between two correlated quantum materials at KIT


  1. Listening to Majorana Zero Modes at IBM Research
  2. Compact qubit coupling schemes at IBM Research
  3. Electronic Structure Calculations for near-term Quantum computers at IBM Research
  4. Topological and spin coherent phases in nanostructures at University Basel
  5. Quantum transport in superconductor-semiconductor nanowire hybrid devices with axially built-in quantum dots as spectrometers at University Basel
  6. Solid-state spins in an optical cavity at University Basel
  7. Scanning probe microscopy of atomic structures and molecular assemblies on superconductive materials at University Basel
  8. Study of thermal transport in low-dimensional materials at University Basel
  9. Casimir Forces in Superconducting Systems at University Basel
  10. Hole Spin Qubits in Ge/Si Nanowires at University Basel
  11. Quantum sensing of condensed matter systems at University Basel
  12. Hybrid quantum networks with atomic memories and quantum dot single-photon sources at University Basel
  13. Development of quantum technologies for molecular systems: quantum sensing of molecular and chemical properties at University Basel
  14. Multi-qubit gates for the efficient exploration of Hilbert space with superconducting qubit systems at IBM Research
  15. Qubit decoherence from two-level fluctuators at IBM Research
  16. Cryogenic Electronics for Qubit Control at IBM Research
—————–Quick Overview————-
OrganizationEuropean Union (EU)
CountryFrance, Germany, Switzerland
Fellowship LevelDoctoral
Subject areasQuantum Science
Fellowship amountAs per EU norms
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities
Deadline19th August 2019

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