Research program (Postdoctoral): Concordia University 8216 views

Research program (Postdoctoral): Concordia University – Machine Learning and Generative Design for Advanced Manufacturing in Mass Customization

Reference number: 6000

Supervisor: Tsz Ho Kwok

Program details

Industry 4.0 (I4.0) is the new trend of automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies. One major characteristic of I4.0 strategy is the strong customization of products under the conditions of highly flexible production, enabling mass customization. Custom product offers inherent advantages over their mass-produced counterparts, as they can provide more comfort, unique and aesthetic appeal, and/or better performance.

Qualifications Required

PhD in Mechanical, Computer Science or related fields with experiences in Machine Learning and Design.

Eligibility requirements

  1. Applicants must not currently hold a postdoc appointment at Concordia
  2. Priority will be given to postdoc fellows who have obtained their PhD from another university although in exceptional cases Concordia graduates may be considered

Timeline and application process

The Postdoc Fellow must start his/her appointment by July 1, 2020.

Submission process

  1. All documents must be submitted to Niyusha Samadi.
  2. Please include the reference number with your application

Application documents required

  1. One to three (1-3) page research statement demonstrating fit with the program described above.
  2. Current CV demonstrating research excellence and a capacity for leadership in the domain (max. 5 pages).
  3. Two (02) letters of reference from academic supervisors or current employers to be sent via e-mail directly to Niyusha Samadi.

Benefits/Fellowships: The prestigious Horizon Postdoctoral Fellowships are valued at $47,500 per year plus benefits.

Quick Overview————-
OrganizationConcordia University
Fellowship LevelPostdoc
Subject areasEngineering: Mechanical, Computer Science
Fellowship amount$47,500 / year
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities
DeadlineOpen until filled

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