Rhodes University Postdoctoral Fellowships: All Disciplines 3809 views

The Rhodes University offers 2020 Postdoctoral Fellowships across all faculties which may be awarded for one year with the possibility of renewal. The Fellowships are intended to nurturing existing research and scholarly or creative activities within Rhodes University departments and institutes.

  • There is no age restriction
  • Applicant must hold a doctoral degree, awarded within the last five years, preferably from an institution other than Rhodes University and recognized as appropriate to the discipline for which the Fellowship is sought.
  • The Fellowship will be awarded strictly on merit.
  • Applicant who has not completed their PhD at the time the Fellowship is offered must have submitted the PhD thesis by the end of 2019 and provide written assurance that there is a reasonable expectation that the doctoral degree will be awarded.

Fellowship value: R180 000 per annum with R20 000 to support the presentation of papers at formal conferences


  • Applications for the Fellowships to be made through the potential host department and then directed to the Research Office (research-admin@ru.ac.za)
—————–Quick Overview————-
OrganizationRhodes University
CountrySouth Africa
Fellowship LevelPostdoctoral
Subject areasAll disciplines
Fellowship amountR180 000 per annum
EligibilityPhD degree
Deadline31 July 2019

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