Runway Startup Postdoc Program: Cornell University 7146 views

The Runway Startup Postdoc Program is partially a business school, research institution, and startup incubator. Based at the Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute, Runway invites recent Doctorates in digital technology fields through a paradigm shift from an academic mindset to an entrepreneurial outlook.

Duration: 12–24 months this includes academic and business mentorship

Benefits: package valued at $150,000; includes a salary, research budget, housing allowance, space and more. Other benefits and perks and corporate support of $320,000 is also provided.

  • Applicant must hold PhD who has graduated within the last 5 years, and sometimes, PhD candidates nearing the end of their programs are also considered.
  • Startup Postdocs are interested in the application of digital technologies in a broad sense.

Study areas:

The faculty at the Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute and Cornell Tech includes experts in connective media, health technology, security and privacy, computer vision and a number of other fields.

How to Apply:

  • CV
  • References
  • Titles and dates of disclosure of inventions for which you are an inventor or co-inventor
  • The names of the institutions where applicant disclosed the inventions
  • A timeline of work experiences including the organization’s activities, job title and responsibilities
  • Any non-disclosure or non-compete agreements have been signed by applicant
  • Opportunity Statement (max 3 pages)
  • Essay: applicants must describe their describe background (3 pages)
Quick Overview————-
OrganizationCornell University
Fellowship LevelPostdoctoral
Subject areasHealth Technology, Security & Privacy, Computer Vision
Fellowship amount$150,000

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