Scholarships Funded by The Mellon Foundation: Stellenbosch University 1742 views

Stellenbosch University offers scholarships funded by the Mellon Foundation. The scholarships are available for both South African and International students. The funding is available for postdoctoral and doctoral students. The research initiative Studies in Historical Trauma and Transformation Scholarship at Stellenbosch University is committed to multidisciplinary research, knowledge production, and public engagement.

Post-doctoral Fellowships

Number of scholarships: 3 Postdoctoral Fellowship Positions (two for South Africans citizens and one international)

Research area: “Trauma, Memory and Representation of the Past: Transforming Scholarship in the Humanities and the Arts.”


  • Applicants must have obtained PhD qualification within the last five years. Female applicants and applicants from communities that are underrepresented in the academe will be given priority.

Starting date: January 2018

Duration: minimum 01 year (full-time) and may be extended up to 3 years under specific conditions.


Applications must include:

  • Copy of your doctoral certificate, or letter from the supervisor.
  • Copies of the methodology and analysis chapters of PhD thesis, OR sample of article published in an academic journal.
  • Description of the research writing to be undertaken.
  • CV with information on education and previous research experience.
  • Applications should be submitted to Jolene Pietersen at:

Closing Date: 7 July 2017

PhD Scholarships

Research area: Historical Trauma, Transgenerational Transmission of Trauma and Related Themes

Number of Scholarships: 3 PhD Scholarships (full-time)


  • Applicants must have a strong research background, especially in qualitative research methods with a Research, Clinical or related Masters’ degree in Psychology.
  • Applicants from other fields in the Humanities and Social Sciences may be considered.
  • Applicant must demonstrate research skill and experience at Masters’ level in empirical data gathering, especially in qualitative research methods, will be ascribed high importance.
  • Applicants are required to submit a summary or draft proposal with their application. The draft proposal should describe, under a proposed title, the research to be undertaken, and the applicant’s disciplinary background.
  • Applications should be sent to Jolene Pietersen at:

Closing Date: 28 July 2017

————–Quick Overview————-
OrganizationStellenbosch University
Fellowship LevelDoctoral/Postdoctoral
CountrySouth Africa
Subject areasHumanities and Social Sciences, Psychology
Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities

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