Scientific Assistant/PhD: Social Sciences 1151 views

Applications are invited for a three-year (half-time) Scientific Assistant/PhD position in East European History and Culture at Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Bremen. Faculty of Social Sciences is searching for a graduate researcher associated with the Chair of History and Culture of East-Central Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries with a Focus on Poland at the History Department.

Level: Scientific Assistant/PhD

Salary group: 13 TV-L; part time position 50 %

Reference number: A249/16

About the position:

  • carrying out an individual research project and completing a PhD thesis
  • recipient will be also required to teach (2 hours weekly) within the programme of BA studies in History and Integrated European Studies


  • applicant must hold an MA in history, sociology, cultural studies or a related discipline
  • Applicant must possess good command of Polish (B2); knowledge of another East European language would be advantage.
  • Applicant must present a research project in the field of modern Polish history. Interdisciplinary and comparative projects are especially welcome.
  • Applicant must have have a strong interest in public history and digital history

Application requirement:

Applications should include:

  • Cover Letter
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Brief description of the research project (max 5 pages)
  • Recommendation letter from the supervisor the MA thesis
  • Copy of university diploma/degree
  • Language proficiency certificates
  • Applications can be submitted in German or English.
—————Quick Overview————-
OrganizationUniversity of Bremen
Fellowship LevelDoctoral
Subject areasSocial Sciences, History
Fellowship amountvaries
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities
Deadline3rd November 2016

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