Scientist: NESAC, Government of India 8198 views

Scientist/Engineer: NESAC, Government of India

Scientist/Engineer in North Eastern Space Applications Centre Recruitment (NESAC), Department of Space, Government of India.  

Project: Flooding scenario generation and discharge based downstream impact study in Assam for Ranganadi, Doyang & Kurichhu hydro power projects

Required Qualification

  1. M.E./ M. Tech in Civil Engineering (in water resources related specialization with dissertation) / Agriculture Engineering (in water resources related specialization with dissertation) / Water Resources / Hydrology / Hydraulics / Watershed Management / Flood Control / Land and Water Resources Engineering / Soil and Water Conservation / Hydro-informatics / Irrigation and Drainage Engineering / Irrigation and Water Management / Water Engineering and Management or equivalent / Remote Sensing & GIS / Geo-informatics / Geomatics or equivalent with dissertation in water resources related specialization in First Class   AND
  2. B.E/ B.Tech Degree in Civil Engineering/ Agricultural Engineering in First Class

Pay Scale / Salary: Rs. ( 56100-177500)

Age Limit: The Minimum age is 18 years and the maximum age limit is 35 years for all posts.

How To Apply

Applications will be submitted online only.

The online recruitment portal will be available  till 07.03.2022 Hrs.

Deadline: 07.03.2022

Quick Overview———————–
OrganizationNorth Eastern Space Applications Centre (NESAC)
Fellowship LevelScientist/ Engineer
Subject areas

Natural Sciences & Engineering: Geo-sciences, Applied Geology/ Geological Technology, Physics/ Applied Physics/ Atmospheric Science/ Earth System Science

Fellowship amount
EligibilityOpen for Indian Nationals

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