Scientist Positions at CSIR-IMTECH

The CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology, India invites application for the recruitment of Scientists at CSIR-IMTECH from eligible and interested candidates.



Applications for various Scientific positions are invited from enthusiastic researchers having excellent academic record and proven scientific achievements along with requisite experience and willing to take up challenges and desire to pursue research as a career in the institute. CSIR-IMTECH is looking for bright and talented persons for filling up the following positions for ongoing as well as future activities of the Institute.

Post Code/ Nos. of Positions: Scientist – Post Code-01UR-01

Pay Matrix: Rs.67700- 208700

Designation & Pay Level/ Age limit not exceeding: Scientist Pay Level-11   Age  Limit:              32 Years

Essential Educational qualification & Experience

PhD (submitted) in any branch of Natural Sciences/ MD with; experience in Microbiome  research OR microbial genome sequence analyses and good understanding of NGS platforms and comparative genomics  

Desirable Experience: Outstanding academic and proven research record. Demonstrable area of expertise should be evidenced with original research publications in peer reviewed journals and/or granted patents.  

Job   Specification/Key responsibilities: Candidate       is          required           to establish his/her independent research program, guide Ph D students and  participate in the IMTECH’s           Institutional activities.

Post Code/ Nos. of Positions: Scientist Post Code-02 (02 posts) UR-01, EWS-01  

Pay Matrix: Rs.67700- 208700  

Designation & Pay Level/ Age limit not exceeding: Scientist Pay Level-11   Age  Limit:              32 Years

Essential Educational qualification & Experience: Ph D (submitted) in any branch of Natural Sciences/ MD with; research experience in Virology  OR Synthetic Biology OR Microbial Cell Biology OR microbial ecology and/or  evolution OR Clinical Microbiology  OR high-throughout proteomics or metabolomics  

Desirable Experience: Outstanding academic and proven research record. Demonstrable area of expertise should be evidenced with original research publications in peer reviewed journals and/or granted patents.

Job   Specification/Key responsibilities: Candidate       is          required           to establish his/her independent research program, guide Ph D students and  participate in the IMTECH’s           Institutional activities.

Post Code/ Nos. of Positions: Scientist: Post Code-03 (03 posts) OBC-01; SC-01; ST-01  

Pay Matrix:   Rs.67700- 208700  

Designation & Pay Level/ Age limit not exceeding: Scientist Pay Level-11   Age  Limit:              32 Years

Essential Educational qualification & Experience: Ph D (submitted) in any branch of Natural Sciences/MD with; research experience in Molecular  Microbiology

Desirable Experience: Outstanding academic and proven research record. Demonstrable area of expertise should be evidenced with original research publications in peer reviewed journals and/or granted patents.

Job   Specification/Key responsibilities: Candidate is required to establish his/her independent research program, guide Ph D students,  participate in the IMTECH’s Institutional activities and also dedicate atleast 50% of their effort towards MTCC service activities.

Post Code/ Nos. of Positions: Scientist: Post Code-04 UR-01  

Pay Matrix:   Rs.78800- 209200

Designation & Pay Level/ Age limit not exceeding: Senior Scientist Pay Level 12   Age limit: 37 years

Essential Educational qualification & Experience: Ph D within any area of Natural Sciences with at least 2 years of post-PhD research experience in   emerging     areas of     modern  Microbiology

Desirable Experience: Outstanding academic and proven research record. Demonstrable area of expertise should be evidenced with original research publications in peer reviewed journals and/or granted patents.  

Job   Specification/Key responsibilities: Candidate       is          required           to establish his/her independent research program, guide Ph D students and  participate in the IMTECH’s           Institutional activities.

Post Code/ Nos. of Positions: Scientist: Post Code-05 UR-01  

Pay Matrix:   Rs.123100- 215900

Designation & Pay Level/ Age limit not exceeding: Principal Scientist Pay Level 13   Age limit: 45 years

Essential Educational qualification & Experience

Ph D with in Life Sciences with at least 3 years of post-PhD research experience in areas of transgenic animal model research OR Biomedical research using 3D

Desirable Experience: Outstanding academic and proven research record. Demonstrable area of expertise should be evidenced with original research publications in peer

Candidate is required to establish his/her independent research program, develop new scientific directions, lead cutting cell culture models  reviewed journals and granted patents.  

Job   Specification/Key responsibilities: Edge research, guide PhD students and participate in the IMTECH’s    institutional activities. Candidates considered with transgenic animal model research will be required to dedicate 50% of their effort lead/participate in developing and maintaining IMTECH Transgenic   Animal  House Facility  

Post Code/ Nos. of Positions: Scientist: Post Code-06 UR-01  

Pay Matrix:   Rs.123100- 215900

Designation & Pay Level/ Age limit not exceeding: Principal Scientist Pay Level 13   Age limit: 45 years

Essential Educational qualification & Experience

Ph D with in Life Sciences with at least 3 years of post-PhD research experience in areas of Synthetic Biology with microbial/metabolic engineering OR Virology OR Biomedical research using 3D cell culture models OR  Human-microbe interaction

Desirable Experience: Outstanding academic and proven research record. Demonstrable area of expertise should be evidenced with original research publications in peer reviewed journals and granted patents.  

Job   Specification/Key responsibilities: Candidate         is          required             to establish his/her independent research program, guide Ph D students and  participate in the IMTECH’s             Institutional activities.

Application Procedure: 

Eligible candidates are required to apply online only. For details and online application visit website(link given below).  The last date of online submission of application is 15/02/2021.

Last Date for Apply: 15 February 2021

Quick Overview————-
OrganizationCSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology
Fellowship LevelScientist
Subject areasMicrobiology, Molecular Biology, Cell biology, Biotechnology
Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityOpen to Indian nationals
Deadline15 February 2021

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