Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) has a programme (Severo Ochoa Visiting Scientist Programme) under which the institute will host leading scientists with the main aim of bringing in new expertise and promoting knowledge exchange.

Duration: Each visit will last up to 6 months

Study areas:

  • genome architecture and regulation;
  • cell identity and organogenesis; and/or
  • molecular and cellular mechanisms of disease

Fellowship value: up to 6,000€ for the entire period to cover accommodation and travel costs related to the visit.

How to apply

  • Applicants must first contact a potential CRG host laboratory to discuss mutual research interests and to plan a visit. After agreement, the host lab will then send a request to the CRG Executive Board including the CV of the visiting scientist; and a letter describing the research proposal for the visit, with an emphasis on the mutual benefit.


  • There are no specific application deadlines
  • Early planning is recommended to facilitate visa requests and housing organization.
  • Feedback will be provided within two months from the date of application.


Montserrat Ruano,


This Programme is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness within the Severo Ochoa Centres of Excellence initiative 2013-2017.

——————Quick Overview————-
OrganizationCentre for Genomic Regulation (CRG)
Fellowship LevelVisiting fellowship
Subject areasLife Sciences, Cell and Molecular biology, Genomics
Fellowship amountup to 6,000€
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities


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