Sofia Kovalevskaja Award: PhD position; MPI 1484 views

The research group of Dr. Mazhar Ali, funded through the Sofia Kovalevskaja Award in the Department of Nano-Systems from Ions, Spins and Electrons (NISE) seeks to appoint a motivated young researcher to carry out a PhD project on atomically engineered materials and devices, in the field of Dirac/Weyl physics, topological materials, spintronics, cognitive devices, ionotronics, and novel superconductors.

Subject areas

The project mainly focus on studying the control of electronic properties on varying time scales from milli-second to nano-second and beyond is a critical goal for the exploration of novel process useful for the advancement sensor, memory and computational technologies. The candidates have to experimental research as main work but he will responsible as helping hand to set up new laboratories and equipments.


  • Master’s degree in physics, materials science, chemistry, or related fields
  • Strong drive to lead in an interdisciplinary and international atmosphere
  • highly creative and innovative and must be outstanding team players
  • work in a fast-paced and highly dynamic environment
  • Enthusiastic and talented students expected to excel in an intense, very hard-working environment and be willing to take on a variety of roles and responsibilities as well as learn and employ a variety of skills
  • English is working language at the Institute


  1. This position will be on a fixed-term contract for 03 yrs.
  2. Position will be available in November 2016
  3. Max Planck Society encourages applications from women

How to apply

  • Complete application form can be uploaded as a single pdf file at given website.
  • Call remains open untill position is filled
  • Complete application form includes updated CV, certificates and transcripts, publications, etc. a statement of purpose (SOP), and the name and details of 02 academic referees


  • MPI-Halle-007
——————————-Quick Overview———————–
OrganizationMax Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics
Fellowship LevelPhD
Subject areasSolid State Physics
EligibilityMaster’s degree in physics, materials science, chemistry or related fields
DeadlineNov, 2016 (Open until position is filled)

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