Staff Scientists positions at Institut Pasteur 1732 views

Institut Pasteur invites applications for positions as staff scientists. Applicants must choose a host laboratory among the different entities of the Institut Pasteur and contact the head of this entity before preparing their applications.

Applicants must send a copy of their application to the head of the host entity and to the concerned Department Director.


  • Applicants must hold a PhD degree in relevant subject.


  • Prepare a file (send each document individually in pdf and only by e-mail to including the following:
  • Letter of introduction and support from the head of the Pasteur laboratory the candidate wishes to join,
  • CV according to the specified model
  • Passport size photo,
  • List of publications, including those in press or accepted, in chronological order; research articles, reviews/book chapters and science outreach publications should be listed separately.
  • The applicant name must be underlined. Manuscript submitted or in preparation should not be indicated. Provide an ORCID ID if available; submitted publications (but not in preparation),; patents,
  • Summary of professional achievements (max. 3 pages),
  • Proposed research program, with title (max. 3 pages),
  • Summary of the research program (15 to 20 lines) including 5 key words,
  • An organizational chart of the host unit.
  • The reading grid completed by the candidate when specified (only a word file)
  • 3 letters (maximum) of recommendation to be sent directly by the signatory.
  • Letters of recommendation to be sent (separately), by last date via e-mail to or by post.
—————–Quick Overview————-
OrganizationInstitut Pasteur
Fellowship LevelScientist
Subject areasAll disciplines
Fellowship amountVaries
Deadline10, January 2018

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