SVPUAT Faculty Positions: Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following Faculty positions (Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor) at several departments of the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture & Technology (SVPUAT), Meerut.
Required Qualifications: As per UGC norms (See below)
The details of the positions may be seen here:
S.No. | Name of the Post | No. of Post | |
| |
A. Directorate of Research | |||
1. | Director Aqncultural Experiment Station | 01 | |
2. | Joint Director Research | 01 | |
B. Directorate of Extension | |||
3. | Director Extension | 01 | |
4. | Joint Director Extension | 01 | |
5. | Subject Matter Specialist (Genetic S Plant Breedinq) | 01 | |
6. | Subject Matter Specialist (Plant Protection) | 01 | |
C. College of Agriculture | |||
7. | Professor (Basic Science) | 01 | |
8. | Professor (Aqnculture Extension) | 01 | |
9. | Professor (Horticulture) | 01 | |
10. | Professor (Aqnculture Economics S Manaqement) | 01 | |
11. | Professor (Aqnculture Biotechnoloqy) | 02 | |
12. | Professor (Entomology) | 01 | |
13. | Professor (Genetics and plant breedinq) | 01 | |
14. | Associate Professor (Genetics and plant breedinq) | 02 | |
15. | Associate Professor (Basic Science – A. Mathematics 01 and B. Statistics 01 ) | 02 | |
16. | Associate Professor (Agronomy) | 01 | |
17. | Associate Professor (Entomoloqy) | 01 | |
18. | Associate Professor (Agriculture Economics & Manaqement) | 02 | |
19. | Assistant Professor (Aqnculture Biotechnoloqy) | 01 | |
20. | Assistant Professor (Agriculture Engg. & Food Technoloqy) | 01 | |
21. | Assistant Professor (Plant Pathology) | 01 | |
D. College of Biotechnology | |||
22. | Professor (Bio-Chemistry & Physioloqy) | 01 | |
23. | Professor (Commercial Biotechnoloqy) | 01 | |
24. | Professor (Finqer Printinq) | 01 | |
25. | Professor (Immunoloqy S Defence Mechanism) | 01 | |
26. | Professor (Patholoqy & Microbioloqy) | 01 | |
27. | Associate Professor (Finqer Pnntinq) | 01 | |
28. | Associate Professor (Immunology & Defence Mechanism) | 01 | |
29. | Associate Professor (Molecular Bioloqy S Genetic Enqq.) | 01 | |
30. | Associate Professor (Patholoqy & Microbioloqy) | 01 | |
31. | Assistant Professor (Finqer Pnntinq) | 01 | |
32. | Assistant Professor (Commercial Biotechnoloqy) | 01 | |
Total | 36 |
Designation and Pay Scale
- Director/Professor/Jt. Director Rs. 37400-67000+ Rs. 10,000 AGP (Starting basic pay Rs. 43000/-+AGP)
- Associate Professor Rs. 37400-67000+ Rs. 9000 AGP
- Assistant Professor/SMS Rs. 15600-39100+ Rs. 6000 AGP
Application Procedure: Applications will be made online and to sent by post (See the link below)
——Quick Overview——— | |
Organization | Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture & Technology (SVPUAT) |
Level | Faculty / Administrative |
Country | India |
Subject areas | All disciplines |
Salary | As per Govt. norms |
Eligibility | Varies |
Deadline | 29/08/2016. |
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