Technical assistant is required in Analytical Chemistry at the Department of Molecular Ecology at Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology in Jena, Germany.

Field of work

The objective of the project is to recognize traits that are significant for the Darwinian fitness of a life form in its complex natural environment. To reveal the meaning of these traits organism’s interactions in nature are manipulated. And then differentiate the ecological consequences using an extensive set of chemical, molecular and ecological investigational tools. The team of researchers focuses on plant-mediated interactions and has developed a suite of molecular and chemical tools in an inhabitant plant that has a web of ecological interactions: the wild tobacco plant Nicotiana attenuata.

Tasks Involved:

  • Working in close association with the head of the analytical platform and international team of scientists.
  • The major tasks will be maintenance and functions of analytical instruments, organizing instrument checks (QC procedures), and minor instrument repairs.
  • Applicant is expected to aid researchers with sample groundwork and initial data analysis processes.


  • Applicant should be highly organized and having good communication skills
  • Problem solving aptitude, records keeping, and interacting with a global team of highly motivated scientists.
  • Knowledge in analytical chemistry (chromatography and mass spectrometry)
  • Applicant is expected to have BTA, CTA or equivalent qualification.
  • Excellent English language skills (written and oral).


  • Technical assistant position is full term position for 2 years and to be filled by may
  • Salary follows the German collective wage agreement for government service workers and depends on qualifications and professional experience.
  • Various benefits in accordance with public service positions are included.

Application Procedure:

  • Send applications a single pdf file to
  • Letter of Motivation
  • Letters of Recommendation (2)
  • Curriculum Vitae.
—————Quick Overview————-
OrganizationMax Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology
Fellowship LevelTechnician
Subject areas

Developmental and Evolutionary Biology & Genetics, Microbiology, & Ecology Neurosciences, Plant Research

Fellowship amount
EligibilityBTA, CTA or equivalent qualification

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