Trainee Analyst (Chemistry): Spices Board 1504 views

Walk in Test for Selection of Trainees in Quality Evaluation Laboratory of The Spices Board at Chennai (Exclusively for SC/ST Candidates)

General Introduction

Spices Board, the organization under Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Gov. of India was set–up for the promoting and developing quality of Indian spices worldwide. The key function of this Board is to bridge link between international buyers and Indian exporters. The organization also has role in maintain the quality and hygiene fo the spices and for that organization has its own research and development centre. Application are invited for 05 Trainee Analyst (04 Chem; 01 Micro).

Disciplines / Subject areas


Qualifications/ Requirements

Trainee Analyst (Chemistry): Masters in Chemistry/Food Chemistry/Appl. Chemistry/ Analytical Chemistry/ Indust. Chemistry/Food Techno.

Trainee Analyst (Microbiology): Masters in Microbiology/Food Microbiology/Applied Microbiology.

  1. The upper age limit should not exceed 35 years as on 01.04.2016.
  2. Exclusively for SC/ST Candidates
  3. Leave eligibility: 1 day per month.

 Application procedure / How to apply

Test: 8th August, 2016 , 9.00AM at Spices Board, Quality Evaluation Lab, Plot No.R-11, SIPCOT Industrial Complex,Gummidipoondi,Thiruvallur Dist. Tamil Nadu – 601 201. (Tel: 044-27923450).

  1. Eligible SC/ST candidates may appear for a written test along with resume, recent passport size photo, original certificates and one set of attested copies of certificates (Proof for age, education, caste certificate and experience if any) on the prescribed date in the office.
  2. Updated Resume and Recent passport size photo CV
  3. Proof of age certificate
  4. Working experience certificates
  5. Copies of certificate along with originals (Attested)
-Quick Overview-———————-
OrganizationSpices Board, Palarivattom, Cochin
Fellowship LevelTrainee Analyst (Chem) – 4

Trainee Analyst (Micro) – 1

Subject areasChem, Micro
EligibilityMaster Degree
Deadline08th Aug 2016 (Walk in Interview Date)

Link: Further details 

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