TRamWAy Postdoctoral fellowship: Institut Pasteur 3279 views

TRamWAy Postdoctoral fellowship at the Institut Pasteur (Paris, France)

Project: The TramWay project aims at designing an entirely automated procedure to study the random walks (RWs) of biomolecules in living cells. At nanoscale, the dynamics of individual biomolecules is inherently random, governed by thermal noise & stochastic molecular interactions.

By giving access to the full distribution of molecular properties, rather than simply their average value, the great advantage of single molecule measurements is thus their ability to identify static and dynamic heterogeneities, and rare behaviours.

Local heterogeneities, numerous specific and non-specific interactions, & unknown number of molecular partners in the cellular environment lead to particularly unusual properties of biological RWs, making the inference of their nature a challenging statistical and computational problem.

Overview: Institute is proposing a two-year postdoc fellowship financed by “TRamWAy” ANR project for a motivated applicant. The candidate is expected to contribute to designing amortized inference approaches for RWs described by predictive models & in developing an unsupervised structured inference framework to probe random walks that cannot be described by a canonical model, e.g. such as a fractional Brownian motion or a hidden Markov model.


  1. A physicist with a strong statistical physics background or a computer scientist with experience in complex, large-scale variation inferences.
  2. Required Skills: For a physicist: statistical physics and random walk theory
  3. For a computer scientist: Bayesian Inference, structured and variational inferences
  4. Scripting language experience: Bash, Python

Duration: 2 years

Application Procedure

See below for application Procedure.

Contact Information: Interested candidates should contact Jean-Baptiste Masson ( with their CV, a brief motivation letter and 2 letters of recommendation.

Deadline: 31 Dec 2019

Quick Overview———
OrganizationInstitut Pasteur
Subject areasVaries
SalaryAs per Institute norms
EligibilityPhD in relevant discipline
Deadline31 Dec 2019

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