TÜBITAK Visiting Scientists Research Fellowships 8303 views

TÜBITAK Visiting Scientists Research Fellowships: TÜBITAK Visiting Scientists Research Fellowships

TÜBITAK, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey have announced research fellowships for scientists. The fellowship is open for nationals of any country.

These fellowships are awarded in the fields of:

  • Natural Sciences
  • Engineering and Technological Sciences
  • Medical Sciences
  • Agricultural Sciences
  • Social Sciences and
  • Humanities

The aim of the program is to promote Turkey’s scientific and technological collaboration with countries of the prospective fellows.

The leading agency for management, funding and conduct of research in Turkey is the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK).

Level of Study: Research program

Subject Area: Social Sciences, Humanities, Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technological Sciences, Medical Sciences and Agricultural Sciences

Scholarship Value: The fellowship would cover:

  • Visiting Scientists would be given a monthly stipend of up to 3.000 US$
  • Visiting Scientists on Sabbatical Leave would be given a monthly stipend of up to 3.500 US$
  • The chosen candidates would have their Travel costs (round trip) and health insurance premiums covered

Scholarship Duration:

  • The duration of the fellowship varies from 1 week to 12 months
  • The selected Fellows must use their fellowships within 6 months of having been notified of the fellowship

Number of Fellowships: Not Specified

Scholarship Location: Turkey

Eligibility Criteria: 

  • The candidates should have a PhD degree or equivalent or have at least five years of research experience
  • The applicant should have an invitation from a hosting institution in TURKEY.
  • The hosting institution can be universities, research institutions, or industrial companies with a Research &Development unit
  • The applicants who are on Sabbatical leave should be invited by one of the host institutions for the period of at least 3 months
  • A good command over English would be prerequisite

Nationality: open for all nationalities

How to Apply: 

  • Application can be done online.
  • The required documents should be uploaded along with the application form on the TÜBITAK application portal.

Application Deadline:  The applications are accepted on a rolling basis.


Quick Overview—————
Organization TÜBITAK, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
Fellowship LevelResearch
Country      Turkey
Subject AreasSocial Sciences, Humanities, Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technological Sciences, Medical Sciences and Agricultural Sciences
Fellowship AmountDetailed above
Eligibility Open for all nationalities
Deadline The applications are accepted on a rolling basis


Further information about the program:



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