TWAS-COMSTECH Joint Research Grants are awarded to promising high-level research projects in earth sciences, engineering sciences, information technology and computer sciences, materials science including nanotechnology, pharmaceutical sciences and renewable energy carried out by young individual scientists in OIC countries.
This Joint Research Grants are intended for young scientists in countries belonging to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to enable them to purchase the research facilities they need to enhance their productivity.
Research Grant: maximum of USD 15,000
Duration: 24 months; renewable once.
Subject Areas:
- Earth Sciences
- Engineering Sciences
- Information Technology
- Computer Sciences
- Material Sciences
- Nanotechnology
- Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Renewable Energy
- Individual applicants must be nationals of OIC member states
- Applicant must hold PhD and some research experience, but at the beginning of their careers.
- Applicant must hold positions at universities or research institutions in one of the OIC countries.
- The grants are awarded to competent scientists under the age of 40 years.
- Scientists who submit a satisfactory final report on a previous grant may apply for a renewal.
How to apply
- Apply online
————–Quick Overview————- | |
Organization | The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) |
Fellowship Level | Research Awards |
Country | Italy |
Subject areas | Earth Sciences, Engineering Sciences, Information Technology and Computer Sciences, Material Sciences including Nanotechnology, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Renewable Energy |
Fellowship amount | USD 15,000 |
Eligibility | Open to OIC member states |
Deadline | 11 May 2018 |
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