University of St. Andrews: 05 Research Positions 3694 views

University of St. Andrews: 15 Research Positions

Position 1: Senior Research Fellow in Cognition and the Arts – AR2379NB

School of Psychology & Neuroscience

Deadline: 05/08/2020

Position 2: Senior Research Fellow in Cognitive Psychology of Religious Art– AR2380NB

School of Psychology & Neuroscience

Deadline: 05/08/2020

Position 3: Research Fellow in Experimental Condensed Matter Physics – AR2376SB

School of Physics and Astronomy

Deadline: 06/08/2020

Position 4: Research Fellow in Experimental Condensed Matter Physics – AR2377SB

School of Physics and Astronomy

Deadline: 06/08/2020

Position 5: Research Fellow in Experimental Condensed Matter Physics – AR2378SB

School of Physics and Astronomy


Position 6: Research Fellow in Experimental Condensed Matter Physics – AR4422SB

School of Physics and Astronomy

Deadline: 06/08/2020

Position 7: Research Fellow – AR2374DD

School of Management

Deadline: 10/08/2020

Position 8: Research Fellow – AR2375DD

School of Management

Deadline: 10/08/2020

Position 9: Statistical Consultant – AR2369NB

School of Mathematics and Statistics

Deadline: 10/08/2020

Position 10: Research Fellow – AR2381NB

School of Mathematics and Statistics

Deadline: 12/08/2020

Position 11: Research Fellow (Vortex Dynamics) – AR2365DD

School of Mathematics and Statistics

Deadline: 21/08/2020

Position 12: Research Fellow in Precision Measurement with Optically Trapped Particles and Laser Speckle – AR2385DD

School of Physics and Astronomy

Deadline: 24/08/2020

Position 13: Research Fellow in Advanced Optical Imaging (x2 posts) – AR2387DD

School of Physics and Astronomy

Deadline: 24/08/2020

Position 14: Research Fellow in Computational Methods for Image Analysis in Biophotonics – AR2386DD

School of Physics and Astronomy


Position 15: Research Fellow in Raman Spectroscopy in Complex Media – AR2384DD

School of Physics and Astronomy

Deadline: 24/08/2020

—————–Quick Overview————-
OrganizationUniversity of St. Andrews
Fellowship LevelTechnical position
Subject areasAll disciplines
Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityDegree in relevant subject

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