URBASIS-EU: 15 PhD positions in Seismology/Earthquake Engineering 1335 views

Recent devastating earthquakes and induced seismicity near infrastructures must become the centre piece of analysis in reducing risk and increasing resilience, facing up to global urban population growth in the coming decades and the concentration of wealth in cities. The prediction of seismic ground motion and response of structures are key issues in reduction of seismic urban risk. There is therefore a demand for highly trained scientists with a broad understanding of engineering seismology and earthquake engineering, skills being essential in academic research, in private companies with activities related to risk mitigation and energy facilities and for policy makers.

URBASIS-EU specifically focus on the multidisciplinary applications of the engineering seismology and earthquake engineering in fields as diverse as induced seismicity, low-probability/high consequences earthquakes, site effects, seismic vulnerability and risk analysis. The URBASIS-EU network will recruit 15 Ph.D. positions starting in 2019.

  • Candidates must be in the first 4 years of their research career, and have not yet been awarded a doctorate degree.
  • Candidates must not have resided or carried out their main activity in the country of his host institution for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to his/her recruitment under the project (compulsory national service and/or short stays such as holidays are not taken into account).
  • Candidates can be of any nationality.


Application must include the following (in a single pdf file) via email:

  • Personal cover letter
  • CV
  • Academic transcripts
  • Names and complete contact information of two referees
  • Letters of two referees

Available projects:

  • 1 – Uncertainty characterisation of ground motion from large earthquakes in urban areas – Supervisors: Marco De Angelis and Ben Edwards (University of Liverpool – Host institution) Danijel Schorlemmer (GFZ Potsdam)
  • ESR 1.2 – Ground-motion models for stable continental part of Europe – Supervisors: Fabrice Cotton and Dino Bindi (GFZ Potsdam Host institution), Ben Edwards (University of Liverpool)
  • ESR 1.3 – Hazard and risk assessment in urban areas based on 3D physics-based ground shaking scenarios – Supervisors: Chiara Smerzini (POLIMI Milano – Host institution) Dimitris Pitilakis (AUTH Thessaloniki)
  • 1 – Modelling Ground-motion from Induced Seismicity in Urban Areas – Supervisors: Ben Edwards (University of Liverpool – Host institution) Dino Bindi and Fabrice Cotton (GFZ Potsdam)
  • ESR 2.2 – Seismic swarms: comparing natural and induced earthquakes – Supervisors: Agnès Helmstetter (UGA Grenoble – Host institution) Danijel Schorlemmer (GFZ Potsdam) Ben Edwards (University of Liverpool))
  • ESR 3.1 – Evaluation of complex soil response and its variability in the urban environment – Supervisor: D. Fäh (ETH Zurich – Host institution) Fabien Bonilla (IFSTTAR Paris)
  • ESR 3.2 -Innovative methodologies for soil-structure interaction assessment – Supervisor: Stefano Parolai (OGS Trieste – Host institution) – Dimitris Pitilakis (AUTH Thessaloniki)
  • ESR 3.3 – Effect of dense urban areas as metamaterials for seismic waves – Supervisors: Philippe Roux (UGA Grenoble – Host institution) Stefano Parolai (OGS Trieste)
  • ESR 3.4 – From fault rupture to city seismic response: 3D multi-scale physics-based scenarios for earthquake effects in large urban areas – Supervisor: Roberto Paolucci (POLIMI Milano – Host institution) Fabian Bonilla (IFSTTAR Paris)
  • ESR 3.5 – Fragility curves for structures including soil-structure interactionsSupervisor: Dimitris Pitilakis (AUTH Thessaloniki – Host institution) Roberto Paolucci (POLIMI Milano)
  • ESR 4.1 – [Intensity measure and engineering demand parameter for natural and induced seismicity->doc51] – Supervisors: Philippe Guéguen (UGA Grenoble – Host institution ) Danijel Schorlemmer (GFZ Potsdam)
  • ESR 4.2 – Time dependency of seismic risk in urban areas – Supervisors: Stéphane Drouet and Ramon Secanell (GEOTER – Host institution) Philippe Guéguen (UGA Grenoble)
  • 3 – Testing of seismicity and attenuation models/decision support – Supervisors: Danijel Schorlemmer and Fabrice Cotton (GFZ Potsdam – Host institution) Donat Faeh (ETH Zurich)
  • 4 – Modelling and dealing with vague and sparse information using machine learning- Supervisors: Edoardo Patelli and Michael Beer (University of Liverpool – Host institution) Philippe Guéguen (UGA Grenoble)
  • ESR 4.5 – Evaluation of the systemic vulnerability and risk of interconnected systems at urban, sub-urban, and industrial scales – Supervisors: Kyriazis Pitilakis (AUTH Thessaloniki – Host institution) Chiara Smerzini (POLIMI Milano)
—————–Quick Overview————-
OrganizationEuropean Union (EU)
Fellowship LevelDoctoral
Subject areas

Seismology,     Earthquake      Engineering and Engineering     Seismology, Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Geophysics

Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities
Deadline23 February 2019

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