VCRC – ICMR: Scientist, Project Positions 1481 views

VCRC – ICMR: Scientist, Project Positions

VCRC – ICMR: Vector Control Research Centre (Indian Council Of Medical Research)

Applications are invited from the qualified Candidates upto 05.02.2018 for the following posts which are purely on temporary and ad-hoc basis to work under the project entitled “Laboratory studies on Wolbachia based Vector Control Strategy for control of Dengue/Chikungunia transmitted by Aedes aegypti” funded by ICMR.

Position Details

Scientist ‘C (Non-Medical) – No. of Post: 01 post 

Essential Qualification:

I class Master Degree in Life Sciences from a recognised university with 04 years experience (or) II class M.Sc + Ph.D degree in Life Sciences from a recognised university with 04years experience.

Age Limit: Not exceeding 40 years
Consolidated Salary: Rs.51,000/-p.m. + HRAof Rs.4440/-

Scientist ‘B’ (Non-Medical) – No. of Post: 02 posts

Post 1: Entomology (SC;Q1)

Essential Qualification:

I class M.Sc. in Life Sciences from a recognised university with two years’ experience in biomedical/Public Health Entomology field (or) II class M.Sc. with Ph.D in Life Sciences/Public Health Entomology from a recognised university.

Post 2: Molecular Biology(UR:01)   I class M.Sc. in Life Sciences from a recognised university with two years’ experience in molecular biology field (or) II class M.Sc. with Ph.D in Life Sciences/Molecular Biology from a recognised university.

Project Assistant – No. of Post: 04 posts

Essential Qualification:

Graduate in biological science subject from a recognised University with Three years works experience from a recognised Institution (or) M.Sc. in Life Sciences.

Age Limit: Not exceeding 30 years

Consolidated Salary: Rs.31,000/- p.m.

Project Technician-Ill – No. of Post: 02 posts
Essential Qualification:

12in standard pass in Science subjects and two years diploma in Medical Laboratory or one year DMLT + one year experience in a recognised organisation or two years field/Laboratory experience or B.Sc degree in M.L.T Collection of vector mosquitoes in the field and maintenance of mosquito colony, assisting in conducting various experiments on mosquito strains. Assistance to DNA extraction and PCR assays.

Consolidated Salary:  Rs. 18,000/- p.m.

Project Technician-ll – No. of Post: 02 posts

Essential Qualification: High School or equivalent with five years experience in public health/biomedical field from a recognised Institution (or) Intermediate with Science with three years relevant experience (or) B.Sc. with two years relevant experience.

Project Technician-I – No. of Post: 02 posts

Essential Qualification: High School or equivalent with one year experience inpublic health/biomedical field from a government institution or recognised institute or Intermediate with Science subject.

Age Limit: Not exceeding 25 years
Consolidated Salary: Rs.16,000/- p.m.

Last date to receive the application     : 05.02.2018.

Place of Posting : ICMR-VCRC, Puducherry.

Duration : Initially for a period of one year.


Quick Overview————-

VCRC – ICMR: Vector Control Research Centre (Indian Council Of Medical Research)

Fellowship LevelScientist, Project Positions
Subject areasLife Sciences
Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityOpen to Indian nationals
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