Wuhan International Freshman Scholarship Program: CUG 1615 views

China university of Geosciences (Wuhan) offers International Freshman Scholarship to encourage and support outstanding international students to pursue a bachelor’s degree in China. Scholarships are available to all international students who wish to pursue a bachelor’s degree in CUG

Types of Scholarship

  1. Type A
  • Free the tuition for the Ist year
  • Amount of scholarship: 22000/student
  1. Type B
  • Free accommodation for the Ist year
  • Amount of scholarship: 8400/student

Duration: 4 years

Medium of Instruction: Chinese (only communication engineering can be taught in English);

Admission Date: September, 2016.


  • Applicants must be overseas students (non-Chinese national) with a valid passport and be in good health
  • Applicant must be above age of 18 and below 25 years of age, and have obtained a senior high school diploma
  • Applicant must have a positive attitude towards study and have a good academic rating; HSK level 4 or above;
  • Applicant must not be recipient of any other scholarships at the same time.

How to Apply

  • Online Registration 
  • Fill out personal information and upload a photocopy of passport, senior high school diploma, academic transcripts in senior high school, one study plan, and any other documents worthy to application.

Application documents:

  • One copy of the application form; scanned with signature and attached photograph
  • One photocopy of a valid passport (personal information page)
  • One of senior high school graduation certificate; must be original documents or certified copies either in Chinese or English;
  • One copy of the academic transcripts including HSK (original or notarized photocopies)
  • One study plan or research proposal (min. 300 words) in Chinese or English;
  • Physical Examination Record for Foreigners
—————Quick Overview————-
OrganizationChina University of Geosciences (CUG)
Fellowship LevelBachelor’s
Subject areasAll disciplines
Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityOpen for all nationalities
Deadline30th August 2016

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