YouGov – POLIS PhD scholarship 2633 views

YouGov – POLIS PhD scholarship: The Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS), University of Cambridge is inviting applications from Home/EU students for scholarship to undertake a 3-year PhD in a field related to the study of public opinion. The scholarship will start in the 2017-18 academic year.

Fellowship: The scholarship will pay the full cost of study alongwith living in Cambridge for the 3-year course.

Funding agency: The scholarship is mainly funded by a donation from YouGov, as part of its partnership with POLIS department.

Project description:

  1. The exact emphasis of the PhD project is, in principle, open.
  2. However, we welcome (particularly) projects focusing on policy research and/or British politics.
  3. Projects proposing to use public opinion research to study substantive questions in Politics or International Relations will also be favourably looked at.
  4. The holder of the scholarship will be expected to participate in the activities of the YouGovCentre.

More Information: For more questions about the nature of the scholarship or the potential projects, then please contact Dr Pieter van Houten ( ). For other procedural questions, please email .

For information on the PhD program in the POLIS department, see .

Type of fellowship:

  1. Fixed-term
  2. The funds for this post are available for 3 years.

DeadlineThe deadline for the application is 31st January 2017.

Please quote reference UE10831 on your application and in any correspondence about this vacancy.

Quick Overview—————-
OrganizationDepartment of Politics and International Studies (POLIS), University of Cambridge
Fellowship LevelPhd
Subject areasStudy of public opinion: Social sciences
Fellowship amountNot mentioned
EligibilityMasters in relavant disciplines
Deadline31st January 2017

The POLIS PhD entry requirements, as well as instructions on where to start your application, can be found here:

Further Information: click here

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