A Walk-in-interview will be held for the appointment of One Research Fellow and One Research Assistant in a Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance sponsored Project entitled “Understanding the Molecular Crosstalk between
Unfolded Protein Response and EBV pathogenesis in developing B-cell Lymphomas” (Ref. No.: IA/l/14/2/501537).  

Date and Time: 03’° September (Thursday), 2015 at 03:00 PM

Venue: Department of Biological Sciences (Biotechnology Section), Presidency University (Erstwhile Presidency College), 86/1, College Street, Kolkata-700073 under Dr. Abhik Saha (Principal Investigator), Department of Biological Sciences (Biotechnology Section), Presidency University, kolkata.

Date of interview:03.09.2015
Place of interview:Department of Biological Sciences (Biotechnology Section), Presidency
University, 86/1, College Street, Kolkata-700073
Time of interview:03:00 PM
Post:One JRF and one Research Technician
Duration:Five years
Project detail:“Understanding the Molecular Crosstalk between Unfolded Protein Response
and EBV pathogenesis in developing B-cell Lymphomas”
Salary:As per DBT, Govt, of India rules and regulations i.e Rs. 20,800.00 per month
for first 2 years and Rs. 23,400,00 for next 3 years plus 1 lakh per annum for
research travel for the JRF and Rs. 23,400.00 per month for the Research
Essential Qualification:M.Sc. in Biological Sciences/ Biochemistry/ Biotechnology/ Microbiology/ Zoology/ Molecular Biology & Genetics with minimum 70 % marks in the last
examination and at least 55% marks in all other previous exams from
Desirable Qualification:recognized University.

Research experience in the relevant field

How to Apply:

Applicants should report 30 minutes before the schedule time of interview & submit the following documents:-
Two separate sets of:

  1. Application in plain paper addressed to the undersigned
  2. Latest CV along with attested copies of all relevant testimonials

The original certificates and mark sheets are to be presented before the Selection Committee on the day of

Dr. Abhik Saha

Assistant Professor

Wellcome Trust/DBT IA Intermediate Fellow

Department of Biological Sciences

Presidency University

86/1, College Street


Tel: +91-9874924838 (Mob)

Email: abhik.dbsiS>presiunitf.ac.in

Website: http://www.presiuniv.ac.in/web/Advertisement_Walk%20In%20Interview_Dr%20Abhik%20Saha-DBS.pdf