The three-year Ph.D. programme is proposed by the Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology, a new Department of the University of Bologna that includes either the courses than the scientific knowledge of professors and researchers that are expert into two areas closed and integrated between them: biotechnology and pharmaceutical sciences. This Ph.D. programme offers a third level of training for students possessing a background in these two areas.

Academic Year2015-2016
Subject areaMedical, Pharmaceutical and Veterinary Medical Sciences
CoordinatorProf. Santi Mario Spampinato
Duration3 years
Positions and scholarships7 positions with scholarship
Call deadlineMay 29, 2015 at 01:00 PM
Doctoral programme start dateNov 01, 2015


Dept of Pharmacy and Biotechnology

Associated Departments

Dept of Industrial Chemistry «Toso Montanari» – CHIMIND
Dept of Agricultural Sciences – DipSA
Dept of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences – BiGeA
Dept of Veterinary Medical Sciences – DIMEVET

Curricula and Research topics

The aim is to train researchers of high ranking expertise and with a strong scientific background that will be capable to plan and carry out researches in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical fields. Students enrolled in the Ph.D. programme will go more depth in different areas of biotechnology to know biological complex processes at cellular and molecular level, or to study their endogenous products or byproducts obtained through DNA recombinant technology and in the discovery, synthesis, characterization and analysis of novel drugs, including those obtained through biotechnology. Ph.D. students will employ the most advanced methodology, including bioinformatics and biocomputational approaches, chemogenomics, analytical and proteomic approaches applied to the pharmaceutical analysis and to the discovery and delivery of novel drugs. Ph.D. students can also develop technologies useful in the field of microbial fermentation and in the use of microbial enzymes in bioconversion processes. The Ph.D. programme is distinguished by an interdisciplinary approach and by a relevant transversality of the key research fields of the academic staff. The goal of this Ph.D. programme is to favor the enrollment of the Ph.D. graduates in companies in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical areas or in the field of the food production, microbial fermentation and other industrial processes requiring a knowledge in the biotechnology field.

Job opportunities and potential areas of employment

Scientific advance in biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Sciences, together with the necessity of an interdisciplinary approach to solve research problems in different areas, have given a great deal to the use of biotechnology, drug discovery, synthesis, analysis and delivery in fast growing economic fields. In addition to the basic knowledge obtained from biotechnological and pharmaceutical research, there are fasting growing use in the pharmaceutical and health area, which have been among the first fields to benefic of biotechnology and drug discovery. Other relevant areas are those of food production, zootechnics, microbiology and industrial factories where biotechnology aims to the development of implants based on the use of microorganisms and to improve molecular and biochemical productive processes, even with the aim to protect the environment. The interdisciplinary organization of the Ph.D. programme and the chosen research topics will provide to the students an education useful to find a job in one or more of the areas above mentioned.

Contacts: Santi Mario Spampinato

Dipartimento di Farmacia e Biotecnologie

Via Irnerio 48   Bologna (BO)


+39 051 20 9 1851

Register online:

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