The Chemical Signalling Group at the Agricultural, Faculty or the University of Bonn invites applications for a  Postdoc position in Plant Biology 3 years, EG 13 TV-L (extendable). We are looking for a highly motivated postdoc with interest in plant metabolism and redox biology. Proven expertise in molecular biology and genuine interest in life cell imaging are expected.

Besides research, the position includes a 4 SWS teaching load (lab classes, seminars, BSc and MSc theses).

We offer an exciting and dynamic research environment, a newly-equipped lab, a friendly and experienced team with excellent international connections and dedicated training in the relevant techniques and skills to the highest standard. The position offers the opportunity for establishing independent research projects and further academic qualification (habilitation). Own ideas on the establishment of an independent research project will be encouraged.

Requirements: The applicant should hold a PhD in Biology or another relevant subject such as Biochemistry, Agriculture, Chemistry or Physics. Excellent language skills in either English or German are required.

Postdoc experience in an international lab with a focus on the relevant research area will be of advantage.

For further information see

For enquiries contact Prof. Andreas Meyer (

Apply: Please apply by email submitting a single PDF document in English or German containing a detailed CV, a brief summary of research interests and previous projects, and contact info of two references no later than 31 July 2015 to