Postdoctoral and Research Scientist Positions are available for different subjects at IISER Kolkata

Applications are invited for postdoctoral and research scientist positions are available witin different departments of IISER Kolkata. These positions, funded by Institute fellowships, will be awarded initially for a period of one year, and may be extended for one more year based on satisfactory research progress. Suitable candidates must have a Ph.D degree in Chemistry or an allied interdisciplinary field. We especially encourage applicants whose research interests have a considerable overlap with those of the faculty members of DCS. Detailed faculty profiles are available at IISER Kolkata DCS faculty page and DCS websites.

Positions are available at:

Department of Biological Sciences

Department of Chemical Sciences

Department of Mathematics and Statistics 

Department of Physical Sciences

Department of Earth Sciences

Eligibility Criteria:

Ph.D (as specified above) from any recognized University or Institute. Candidates who have submitted their thesis can also apply.

Qualifications, Experience and Fellowship Amount  :

1. The consolidated Fellowship amount, Contingency and House Rent Allowance (HRA) shall be as approved by the Board of Governors, IISER Kolkata from time to time. The proposed emoluments are given in the table:

Sl. NoName of the positionQualificationExperienceDuration (Years)Fellowship (pm)
1Postdoctoral FellowshipSubmitted PhDThesis/ PhD1+1Rs. 40,000/-
2Research ScientistPh.D2 years Research / Teachingexperience after PhD1+1Rs. 45,000/-
3Senior Research ScientistPh.D4 years Research/ Teachingexperience after PhD,preferably demonstrating

experience of external funding.

1+1Rs. 50,000/-

* Duration 1 + 1 years in general or as per selection committee recommendation. 

2. Contingency: A contingency grant of  Rs. 80,000/- per annum for Sl. No. 1, Rs. 90,000/- per annum for Sl. No. 2 and Rs. 100,000/- per annum for Sl. No. 3 will be provided for research purposes and conference attendance.

3. HRA: The Fellows / Scientists will be encouraged to stay in the hostel. In circumstances where hostel accommodation is unavailable or the Fellows / Scientists are not in a position to stay in the campus, House Rent Allowance @ 30% will be provided.

How to Apply :

1. The applicants should follow the instructions to properly fill up the  Application form  [ .docx ] [ .doc ] [ .pdf ].

2. Please have a soft copy of your picture ready to use in the application form.

3. You must complete your application, incomplete application will not be considered.

4. Select potential faculty host for your candidature at IISER Kolkata

5. Send your “Curriculum Vitae”, “Research Statement” and “Publication List” along with your application form. Give three (3) referees name in the application form. Letters of recommendation will be sought in support of all applications.

6. Applicant should send his / her application form by post or by email to the potential faculty host.

Last date:

Applications are invited throughout the year, and will be processed as and when needed based on (i) vacancy and (ii) availability of the funds.

Selection Process :

Respective departments will be responsible for selection of fellows / scientists in coordination with the Office of Dean, Faculty (DoF). Applications will be considered by a committee consisting of concerned faculty member (Host), the Head of the concerned department and the DoF, or their nominees with consultation of concerned faculty member (Host). The shortlisted candidates may be called for an interview along with a presentation of his / her research plan before a selection committee. In exceptional cases applications in absentia / video-interview may be considered.

Download Interview Report of Applicant Form  [ .docx ] [ .doc ] [ .pdf

Download Selection Committee Report Form  [ .docx ] [ .doc ] [ .pdf

Benefits :

1. Medical benefits: Routine OPD medical facility (for self and dependents) shall be provided at the Health Centre located within institute.

2. Campus facilities like access to Computer Centre, Central Library, Canteen Facilities, etc., will also be made available to the fellows and scientists.

3. Leave: The Fellows / Scientist will be eligible for leave with fellowship not extending 30 days in a year for each completed year of fellowship.

4. Accommodation: In hostel or other appropriate guest rooms, subject to availability.

5. Conferences and Foreign Travel: Requests for national or international conferences will be entertained if funds are available in the contingency grant of the Fellows/Scientist, or he/she gets some external funding for such purposes. International travel requests will be forwarded to the Director for consideration through the Host, HOD and Dean, Faculty with their recommendations.

Further reference: