Recruitment for Engineers at IIT Jodhpur, India (2015)

IIT Jodhpur, an engineering & technology institute of national importance, is dedicated to education, research and development. The Institute promotes academic excellence in teaching and technology research.

The Institute is looking for suitable Indian Nationals, through ONLINE applications only, for appointment on Deputation basis based on performance.

The Institute shall promote technology thought and action, and prepare needed technical human resources to meet the technology challenges of the nation.

S. No.Name of the PostPostsPay BandGrade Pay
01Superintending Engineer (Civil)01PB-4 Rs. 37,400-67,000Rs. 8,700
02Executive Engineer (Civil)01PB-3 Rs. 15,600-39,100Rs. 6,600
03Assistant Executive Engineer (Civil)01PB-3 Rs. 15,600-39,100Rs. 5,400

Details of eligibility criteria, qualification and experience can be downloaded from Institute website
( The online application is available at the same URL.

Gross emoluments: Admissible benefits include Basic Pay, DA, Medical Facility and Transport Allowance, as per Government of
India rules and as applicable at Jodhpur, Rajasthan.
Post at S. Nos. 01: 55 years; Posts at S. Nos. 02-03: 50 years. The age, qualification and experience will be calculated on the
closing date of online submission of applications.
The essential, desirable qualifications and experience required for the above post (s), as per Serial Number, are as under:

1. First class degree or equivalent grade in Civil Engineering from a recognized University / Institute.

2. At least 15 year experience in relevant field as Civil Engineer with Grade Pay of Rs. 5400 or higher level from
CPVVD, State PWD or semi-Government/PSU/Statutory or Autonomous organisation, University or Institution of
national importance/reputed organisation under Central/State Government, of which at least 5 years should be as
Senior Executive Engineer in the Grade Pay of Rs. 7600 or its equivalent.


1. Knowledge of Computer-aided Design (CAD) and latest Management Technolog)’/other relevant software

2. Proven track record of handling construction projects/ consultancy in organisation of repute

3. Experience of working with designing and estimation, coastruction management of large projects, etc.


1. First class degree or equivalent grade in Civil Engineering from a recognized University / Institute.

2. 5 years’ experience in relevant held as Engineer/Asst. Engineer (in PB-3 and GP of Rs. 5400/-) from CPWD/State
PWD or similar organized services/ semi Govt./ PSU / Statutory or Autonomous organization/University
/reputed Institute or organization under Central /State Govt.


1. Knowledge of Computer-aided Design (CAD) and latest Management Technology/other relevant software.

2. Proven track record of handling construction projects/ consultancy in organizations of repute.

3. Experience of Designing and estimation, construction management and maintenance etc.


1. A l*1 Class Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering.

2. At least 5 year as Assistant Engineer or equivalent post for at Grade Pay of Rs. 4,600

1. Knowledge of Computer-aided Design (CAD) and latest Management Technolog)’/other relevant software.

2. Experience of construction management

Deadline: The candidates are required to apply only through ONLINE process upto 22 November 2015.

The hardcopy of completed application along with all relevant supporting documents must reach the Institute on or before 5 PM on 07 December 2015 at the address given below.

The envelope should be super scribed as “Application for the Post of …………………….”

Address: Officer In-charge Office of Recruitment

IIT Jodhpur Old Residency Road,


Jodhpur 342011

Rajasthan Phone: (0291) 2449071