Applications are invited upto 20th May, 2015 for the following post to be filled up at National Institute of Occupational Health, Ahmedabad under the time bound Ad-hoc Research Project entitled “Development of Knowledge Discovery System for Estimating the Pesticide Consumption” sponsored by Indian Council of Medical Research at National Institute of Occupational Health, Ahmedabad.
The post is purely on temporary, ad-hoc & on contractual basis and co-terminate with the project.
Important information
The last date of submission of applications is 20th May, 2015.
- The interested candidates meeting above-mentioned conditions of eligibility may apply for the posts mentioned above.
- Application in the specific proforma available on web site, mentioning up-to-date bio-data affixed with recent passport size photograph, postal address, mobile no. and email ID, along with the attested copies of certificates in support of age, educational qualifications, caste and work experience should reach the office of The Director-in-Charge, National Institute of Occupational Health, Meghaninagar, Ahmedabad – 380016 (Gujarat) on or before 20th May, 2015.
- The application may be sent to the above-mentioned address mentioning APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF (RA) on Envelop.
- The applicants whose applications are found to be in order will be called for a written test/interview. The applicants will be intimated individually regarding the date of the interview.
- Incomplete applications, defective applications, and applications submitted or received after the scheduled date i.e. 20th May, 2015 will not be accepted and will be rejected without any intimation to the applicant.
- No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
- The decision of the Director-in-Charge, National Institute of Occupational Health, Meghaninagar, Ahmedabad will be final in this regard. Canvassing in any form will be considered as a disqualification.
Post & No. Research Assistant (One)
Pay (Rs) Rs. 27,945/- p.m.
Qualifications Essential: B.Sc. with Mathematics and Chemistry as a subject from recognized University and one year experience not below in GP 2800.
Desirable: 1. M.Sc (Computer Science/ Information Technology ).
- Research publications in indexed journals in field of Data Mining
- To assist the PI in overall coordination of the Project.
- Implementation of Data Mining Techniques and models.
- Systematic analysis, and interpretation of data
- GIS Mapping
Age 28 Years (Relaxable for experience candidates)