The Centre for Science and Technology of the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries (NAM S&T Centre) is presently implementing a Fellowship scheme titled ‘Research Training Fellowship for Developing Country Scientists (RTF-DCS)’ to provide opportunity to young researchers of the developing countries for their capacity building in science and technology through their affiliation with premier academic and research institutions in India to carry out short-term research work.Full financial support is provided to the research fellows for their international travel, subsistence allowance, research contingency, domestic travel in India, etc under this scheme, which has been sponsored by the Government of India, Department of Science & Technology (DST), Ministry of Science & Technology.
In the fourth year of implementation of the RTF-DCS scheme, the NAM S&T Centre invites applications from the eligible researchers of the developing countries for the Fellowship for the financial year 2015-16 (1st April 2015 to 31st March 2016).
The RTF-DCS is a destination India Fellowship with the following objectives: To promote mobility of scientists and researchers from the developing countries into· India and provide them opportunity to work at Indian R&D/academic institutions to upgrade their research skills and expertise.
To facilitate exchange of information and contacts between the scientists and· researchers of India and other developing countries and create a network for building research collaborations.
As a spin off, the Fellows may also have opportunity to get co-supervisors from India for their research projects for Ph.D. or M. Tech. degree on their return to their home countries. The Centre for Science and Technology of the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries (NAM S&T Centre; is an inter-governmental organisation with a membership of 47 developing countries spread over Asia, Africa, Middle East and Latin America. The Centre was set up in 1989 in New Delhi, India in pursuance of the recommendations of various NAM Summit meetings for the promotion of South-South cooperation in science and technology.
The Centre undertakes a variety of programmes, including organisation of workshops, symposiums, meetings and training courses and implementation of collaborative projects. It also offers short-term research fellowships to scientists from developing countries in association with the Centres of Excellence in various countries. The Centre also publishes technical books and other scientific material on different subjects.
The Fellowship will be for a period of six months, but some variation in the duration may be allowed with prior approval of the NAM S&T Centre depending upon the actual requirement of the research project as mutually agreed between the Fellow and the host institution. India has a vast and excellent infrastructure for Education and Research in Science, Technology and Engineering. There are 687 Universities and extensive networks of more than 4000 S&T Institutions, including several institutes of national importance, which are mostly Government supported and cover virtually every branch and facet of science, technology and engineering.
For this year, Fellowship will be offered for working in research topics under any of the following broad disciplines: 1. Agricultural Sciences 2. Biological and Medical Sciences 3. Chemical Sciences 4. Physical Sciences and Mathematics 5. Earth Sciences 6. Engineering Sciences 7. Materials, Minerals and Metallurgy 8. Multi-disciplinary and Other Areas
1. Applicant should possess at least a Post Graduate Degree in any Natural Science subject or an equivalent degree in Technology / Engineering / Medicine / allied disciplines.
2. Applicant should be working in a national R&D or academic institution in his/her home country.
The application should be endorsed by the Head of his/her institution confirming that if selected, he/she will be sanctioned leave for the Fellowship period and will join his/her duties back in the institution on completion of the Fellowship in India.
3. The upper age limit for the applicant is 40 years as on 1 st January 2015.
4. Indian nationals are not eligible for the Fellowship.
Closing Date: June 15, 2015