LabEx DEEP 65 views


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The Laboratory of Excellence (LabEx) DEEP (Development, Epigenesis, Epigenetics & life-time Potential) was established in 2012 within the framework of the French National Research Agency (ANR) “Investissements d’Avenir” initiative. It gathers 160 people working in the 14 research teams of 2 research units of the Institut Curie: the Nuclear Dynamics unit (UMR3664) and the Genetics & Developmental Biology unit (UMR3215/U934).

The LabEx DEEP aims to decipher the complexity of life and development of a whole organism, from the germ line, the biology of stems cells, up to the transitions between normal and disease states. This has entailed exploring the interplay between signaling pathways, transcriptional regulatory networks and epigenetic mechanisms by developing unique cutting-edge technologies and multidisciplinary approaches, keeping in mind socio-economic impacts of our research.

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