BARC is a Premier Multi Disciplinary Nuclear Research Centre of India having excellent infrastructure for advanced Research and Development with expertise covering the entire spectrum of Nuclear Science and Engineering and related areas.

ONLINE applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following posts in GOVERNMENT OF INDIA, BHABHA ATOMIC RESEARCH CENTRE, PERSONNEL DIVISION for the following posts:BARC-


Post No.Name of the PostNo. of postsEducational / Technical Qualification
i. B.Sc. with minimum 50% marks plus 1 year Diploma
in Medical Lab. Technology (DMLT) with minimum
60% marks.
DR/01Scientific Assistanl/B

ii. B.Sc. in Medical Lab Technology (MLT) with
minimum 60% marks.

Candidates with one year experience from Pathology
Laboratory will be given preference.

DR/02Scientific Assistant/B
0101Degree or equivalent Diploma in Physiotherapy with
minimum 50% marks.
(Dental Technician)
01010103HSC (Science) with 60% marks + 2 years Dental
Technician Diploma recognised by Dental Council of
0101SSC/HSC (with Science and Mathematics) with
minimum 60% marks + trade certificate of not less
than  1  year duration in the trade of Printing
recognized   by   State/Central   Government and
Minimum 4 years working experience in composing
or working in a reputed printing press.
DR/05Technic ian/B
010102SSC/HSC (with Science and Mathematics) with
minimum 60% marks + trade certificate of not less
than  1  year duration in the trade of Printing
recognized by State/Central Government.

The Degree or Diploma should be from a recognized University/Board of Technical Education of Central or State Government.

Application will be accepted On-Line ONLY. Facility for On-line application will be available from 22/08/2015 to 15/09/2015.

For detailed information and online submission of application, please visit the website

Further details