RECRUITMENT for the positions of Scientists at NATIONAL CENTRE FOR EARTH SCIENCE STUDIES, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India Thiruvananthapuram -11

NCESS invites oniine applications from eligible Indian citizens for appointment to the following Posts on regular basis.

SI No.Name of post(s)No. of VacanciesPay   Band/Scale of Pay/Grade Pay/
Scientist D1PB:3; 15600-39100 GP: Rs.7600
2Scientist B9PB:3; 15600-39100 GP: Rs.5400
3Scientific Officer Grade- til1PB:3; 15600-39100 GP: Rs.7600
4Scientific Assistant Grade A9PB:2; 9300-34800 GP: Rs.4200
STechnician Grade-A1PB:1; 5200-20200 GP: Rs.1900
6Coordinating Officer Grade 11PB:2; 9300-34800 GP: Rs.5400

The interested candidates must apply only online latest by 15.07.2015, 5PM IST through the Centre’s website, wherein the detailed advertisement is made available.